Levels & Prestige (2024)

Levels & Prestige refer to Character progression in Dead by DaylightLevels & Prestige (1)Levels & Prestige (2)Levels & Prestige (3).


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Levels
    • 2.1 Perk Spawns
  • 3 Prestige
    • 3.1 Prestige 100
    • 3.2 Prestige Rewards
    • 3.3 Prestige Rework Catch-up
      • 3.3.1 Stage 1
      • 3.3.2 Stage 2
  • 4 History
    • 4.1 Old Level Rewards
    • 4.2 Old Prestige
    • 4.3 Old Prestige Rewards
      • 4.3.1 Increased Node Rarities
    • 4.4 Legacy Prestige
  • 5 Change Log
    • 5.1 Patch 1.1.0
    • 5.2 Patch 2.0.0
    • 5.3 Patch 6.1.0
    • 5.4 Patch 6.1.2 / 6.1.3
  • 6 Trivia
    • 6.1 Prestige
  • 7 Gallery
    • 7.1 Prestiging
    • 7.2 Prestige Crests
    • 7.3 Old Prestige Icons
    • 7.4 Scratch Mark Portrait Effect


Each Survivor and Killer has their own Character progression, represented by their Level and Prestige.

Levels are represented with a number ranging from 1 to 50.
Prestige is represented with various crests and ranges from 0 to 100.

Both elements are displayed on the Character portrait, as well as at the top right of the screen when the Character is selected.


Levels are directly tied to the BloodwebLevels & Prestige (4)Levels & Prestige (5)Levels & Prestige (6) Mechanic, with each completed Bloodweb increasing a Character's Level, until the maximum of Level 50 is reached.
Purchasing all Nodes from this Bloodweb will spawn an empty Bloodweb with one central Prestige Node, at which point one must pay 20,000 Bloodpoints to prestige and renew the Bloodweb at Level 1.
A Character can be continuously prestiged until Prestige 100

If a Character has not yet been prestiged, reaching Levels 5, 10, and 15 will unlock Perk Slots 2, 3, and 4 respectively.

Perk Spawns

Each Bloodweb starts off spawning a single PerkLevels & Prestige (7)Levels & Prestige (8)Levels & Prestige (9).
Progressing a Character's Level will eventually increase that amount up to 4 Perks, from which the Player can buy up to 2 Perks:

LevelSpawned PerksPurchasable PerksEntity Activity Start

1 - 9

1 Perk1 PerkNone


2 Perks1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 1 Perk.

11 - 14

1 Perk1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes; will not consume any Perk.


2 Perks1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 1 Perk.

16 - 19

1 Perk1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes; will not consume any Perk.


2 Perks1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 1 Perk.

21 - 24

1 Perk1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes; will not consume any Perk.

25 - 39

2 Perks1 PerkAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 1 Perk.

40 - 49

3 Perks2 PerksAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 1 Perk.


4 Perks2 PerksAfter purchasing 5 Nodes or immediately after the first Perk was purchased; will consume 2 Perks.


Prestige is an inherent part of Dead by Daylight's Character Progression and occurs at Level 50, after which a Character's Bloodweb is reset to Level 1, while their Prestige is increased by +1 up to a maximum of Prestige 100.

The Prestige Icon shown on the HUD is also shown in the Tally Screen after a Trial and reflects one's dedication to a Character.
The Prestige Icon comes with various Crests depending on the number of times one has prestiged that Character (see Gallery).

Prestige 100

Prestige 100 is the maximum achievable Prestige Level.

Going from Prestige 99 to Prestige 100 will immediately spawn a Level 50 Bloodweb that infinitely renews itself whenever all of its Nodes are purchased, allowing Players to continue supplying that Character with new Unlockables.

There is no possibility to reach a higher Prestige Level.

The behaviour of the Bloodweb when reaching Prestige 100 is identical to having reached Prestige III, Level 50 before the Prestige Rework of 6.1.0.

Prestige Rewards

Reaching specific Prestige Milestones unlocks special Rewards:

Prestige LevelUnlocked Reward(s)

Prestige 1

Unlocks that Character's Unique Perks at Tier I for immediate use on all Characters, automatically adding them to their inventories.
  • This also unlocks the ability for Tier II and Tier III of these Perks to spawn randomly in the BloodwebLevels & Prestige (10)Levels & Prestige (11)Levels & Prestige (12).
  • Higher Tiers may also be purchased from the Shrine of SecretsLevels & Prestige (13)Levels & Prestige (14)Levels & Prestige (15).

Prestige 2

Automatically upgrades that Character's Unique Perks to Tier II on all Characters.
  • If a Character has unlocked some or all of these Perks at Tier III already (through the Bloodweb or the Shrine of Secrets), this will not affect them.

Prestige 3

Automatically upgrades that Character's Unique Perks to Tier III on all Characters.

Prestige 4

Unlocks that Character's first blood-stained Cosmetic Piece.Levels & Prestige (16) TorsoLevels & Prestige (17) Weapon

Prestige 5

Unlocks that Character's second blood-stained Cosmetic Piece.Levels & Prestige (18) LegsLevels & Prestige (19) Body

Prestige 6

Unlocks that Character's third blood-stained Cosmetic Piece.Levels & Prestige (20) HeadLevels & Prestige (21) Head / Mask

Prestige 7

Unlocks that Character's first Perk Charm.Levels & Prestige (22)Levels & Prestige (23)

Prestige 8

Unlocks that Character's second Perk Charm.Levels & Prestige (24)Levels & Prestige (25)

Prestige 9

Unlocks that Character's third Perk Charm.Levels & Prestige (26)Levels & Prestige (27)
General Prestige Reward:
Alongside the Rewards mentioned above, higher Prestige Levels generally increase the chances of small low-level Bloodwebs to spawn rarer Nodes.

Prestige Rework Catch-up

Stage 1

With the Prestige Rework in Patch 6.1.0, the Developers implemented the first stage of a catch-up mechanic that would automatically progress all Players' Characters based on existing Levels of Prestige and the amount of Perk Tiers one had purchased on them, as well as ensure that no already unlocked Perks, Items, and Cosmetics would be lost with the new system's implementation.

The following rules were applied:

  • Each pre-existing Level of Prestige would grant +2 additional Prestige Levels in the new system:
    • A Character who was Prestige I would be set to Prestige 3.
    • A Character who was Prestige II before would be set to Prestige 6.
    • A Character who was Prestige III before would be set to Prestige 9.
  • The amount of Perk Tiers (counting each Tier of Perk separately) one had purchased on a Character would grant additional Prestige Levels in the new system, based on specific thresholds:
    • 70 to 119 Perk Tiers would give +1 additional Prestige Level
    • 120 to 169 Perk Tiers would give +2 additional Prestige Levels
    • 170 to 219 Perk Tiers would give +3 additional Prestige Levels
    • 220 to 269 Perk Tiers would give +4 additional Prestige Levels
    • 270 to 319 Perk Tiers would give +5 additional Prestige Levels
    • 320 or more Perk Tiers would give +6 additional Prestige Levels
  • Prestige 9 would be the highest Level of Prestige a Character could be after transferring to the new system, even if the above rules say they should be higher.
  • Existing unlocked Teachable PerksLevels & Prestige (28)Levels & Prestige (29)Levels & Prestige (30) would immediately grant access to Tier I of those Perks on all Characters if no other mechanic had already granted access to those Perks.
  • Added a unique Prestige Crest Artwork for each Prestige Level.
  • Characters who were already Prestige III on the old system would unlock a toggle-able animated Scratch Mark effect on their Character Portrait on the Character Selection screen.
  • In Patch 6.3.0, Characters that were on Level 50 before a Prestige level prior to the introduction of Patch 6.1.0 were awarded +2 additional Prestige Levels as if they had been prestiged.
    • Additionally, Characters previously on Level 50 of Prestige 2 were awarded with the toggle-able Scratch Mark effect as well.

Stage 2

Patch 6.3.0 included the second stage of the catch-up mechanic:

  • All Characters that had been at Level 50 and either Prestige 0, 1, or 2 at the time of the release of Patch 6.1.0 would receive 2 bonus Prestige Levels under the new system.


Old Level Rewards



Unlocked the 2nd Perk Slot.


Unlocked the 3rd Perk Slot.

The EntityLevels & Prestige (31)Levels & Prestige (32)Levels & Prestige (33) starts appearing in larger BloodwebsLevels & Prestige (34)Levels & Prestige (35)Levels & Prestige (36).


Unlocked the 4th Perk Slot.


Spawned the 1st Teachable Perk.


Spawned the 2nd Teachable Perk.


Spawned the 3rd Teachable Perk.


Marked the maximum achievable Level.
Players had the option to either prestige or continuously renew this Bloodweb.

Old Prestige

Before the Prestige Rework in Patch 6.1.0, Prestige was an option to reset a Character's Level back to Level 1 in exchange for slightly increased chances of the Bloodweb to spawn rarer Nodes, as well as a blood-stained version of the Character's default Outfit.
This process could be repeated up to 3 times.

Old Prestige Rewards

Before the Prestige Rework in Patch 6.1.0, the specific effects prestiging had on a Character's progression were as follows:

  • Reset a Character's Levels to Level 1.
  • Unlocked one of three blood-stained versions of a Character's default Outfit:
    • For Survivors, Prestige I would unlock the blood-stained Torso.
    • For Survivors, Prestige II would unlock the blood-stained Legs.
    • For Survivors, Prestige III would unlock the blood-stained Head.
    • For Killers, Prestige I would unlock the blood-stained Weapon.
    • For Killers, Prestige II would unlock the blood-stained Body.
    • For Killers, Prestige III would unlock the blood-stained Head/Mask.
  • Consumed all Unlockables, resetting the Character's inventory and Load-out.
  • Relocked the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Perk Slots

It should be noted that if one had already unlocked that Character's Teachable PerksLevels & Prestige (37)Levels & Prestige (38)Levels & Prestige (39), they would remain unlocked and unaffected by Prestige.

Increased Node Rarities

In addition to the aforementioned effects, each Level of Prestige also slightly increased the odds of spawning Nodes of higher Rarities (Rare, Very Rare, or Ultra Rare) in a Character's Bloodweb.

Legacy Prestige

Main article: Legacy Prestige

Legacy Prestige was a special one-time Reward for prestiging one's Characters with the original immensely grindy Bloodweb from before Patch 1.3.0.

Change Log

Patch 1.1.0

  • Nerf: Characters who prestige are no longer allowed to keep all 4 Perk Slots unlocked, they will now be reset as well.

Patch 2.0.0

  • Quality of Life: reduced the Level requirement for unlocking Perk Slots 2, 3, and 4 from Levels 15, 20, and 25 to Levels 5, 10, and 15.
  • Quality of Life: instead of spawning at Levels 5, 10, and 15, Characters now automatically have the Tier I version of their Unique Perks unlocked and in their inventory from the start.

Patch 6.1.0

  • Rework: completely reworked the Prestige and Teachable-Perks System.
    • Teachable Perks have been removed, Unique Perks are now unlocked through the Prestige System.
    • Prestige now ranges from 1 to 100.
    • Prestiging no longer resets a Character's inventory.

Patch 6.1.2 / 6.1.3

  • Buff: Prestiging noticeably increases the chances for rarer Nodes to spawn in the low-level Bloodwebs.


  • For Survivors, the order in which the Bloody Cosmetics are unlocked goes Torso, Legs, Head.
  • For Killer, the order in which the Bloody Cosmetics are unlocked goes Weapon, Body, Head/Mask.


  • If Character A's current BloodwebLevels & Prestige (40)Levels & Prestige (41)Levels & Prestige (42) contains Tier III of a Unique Perk of Character B, who has not reached Prestige 3 yet, prestiging Character B to Prestige 3, which adds Tier III of their Unique Perks to the inventories of all Survivors or Killers, will automatically replace the Perk in Character A's Bloodweb with another random Perk in its stead.
    • The same occurs analogous when the Perk in Character A's Bloodweb is Tier II and Character B is prestiged to Prestige 2.



Prestige Crests

  • Levels & Prestige (46)

    All Prestige Crests

Old Prestige Icons

These were the Prestige icons for Prestiges I, II, and III that were used up to the Prestige Rework in Patch 6.1.0:

  • Levels & Prestige (47)

    Prestige I

  • Levels & Prestige (48)

    Prestige II

  • Levels & Prestige (49)

    Prestige III

Scratch Mark Portrait Effect

The aforementioned Scratch Mark effect on Character Portraits, on Yui, Cheryl, The Deathslinger, and The Executioner.

  • Levels & Prestige (50)

Levels & Prestige (51) Emblems Levels & Prestige (52)Levels & Prestige (53) GradesLevels & Prestige (54) Levels & PrestigeLevels & Prestige (55) Player LevelLevels & Prestige (56) RanksLevels & Prestige (57) Status HUD
Levels & Prestige (2024)


How much prestige should I get before ascending Cookie Clicker? ›

The general rule of thumb is to wait until you have passed 440 prestige levels before ascension, which equates to 85.184 quintillion cookies. While this sounds a lot – and it is – the benefits you reap from waiting until then are worth it.

How to fix cold war level glitch? ›

It's just a visual glitch on Black Ops Cold War. Play a match and you will see your real level. It doesn't actually reset your level, it just shows "1" until you play a match. You can progress and level up just fine.

What levels do you prestige at? ›

Players automatically enter Prestige Rank 1 once they reach Rank 56 and earn a new Prestige Rank approximately every 50 levels. Experience points are the key to achieving new Prestige Ranks in Modern Warfare 2. Players earn XP by playing matches, completing daily challenges, and completing career milestone challenges.

How many prestige levels are in Cookie Clicker? ›

How many Prestige upgrades are there in the game? I have unlocked all the levels in the Upgrades tree. There are 128 of them in total.

What is the highest thing to buy in Cookie Clicker? ›

The time machine costs 123,456,789 cookies, and is the most expensive of all the items, at their base levels.

How to get true neverclick? ›

On Cookie Clicker, there is a shadow achievement you can get called "True Neverclick" which recognizes that you bake one million cookies while not clicking the big cookie once. If you plan on doing this legitimately, you'll need to click on Golden Cookies at the start of your run, as you cannot click the big cookie.

Can you get banned for glitching in Cold War? ›

Glitching. Any user who abuses an exploit in game code or other established rule of play is subject to penalty.

What is the cheat code for Cold War? ›

Cheat Codes
X, White, Y, Black, YAll items, gadgets, tech points
X, White, Y, Black, D-pad LeftInvulnerability toggle
X, White, Y, Black, XWin current level

Does prestige reset your level? ›

Yes, the prestige is a choice to reset progress to zero for the benefit of gaining a visual cosmetic on your ID card.

Can I prestige MW3? ›

In Modern Warfare 3, you can prestige when you hit level 55. But unlike in other titles, you won't have to start from scratch when you do. You'll be able to keep everything. You'll still earn the badge, but you'll be able to continue through the ranks.

How to trigger grandmapocalypse? ›

The Grandmapocalypse starts once you've accumulated over 1,000,000 cookies. The screen becomes covered in a shaking, flashing, tiled background of grandmas. As you gain more cookies, the Grandmapocalypse becomes more intense, with more images of different grandmas of various sizes and intensity beginning to show up.

How to get Heavenly Chips? ›

The amount of heavenly chips is dependent on your forfeited cookies of all games. Every reset, the amount of forfeited cookies is incremented by 'Cookies baked (this ascension)', and will match 'Cookies baked (all time)' until new cookies are baked. Every heavenly chip you gain increases your prestige level.

Where should I spend my sugar lumps? ›

What to do with sugar lumps:
  1. Spend 1 lump on wizard towers to unlock the Grimoire.
  2. Spend 1 lump on temples to unlock the Pantheon.
  3. Spend 1 lump on farms to unlock the Garden.
  4. Spend 1 lump on banks to unlock the Stock Market.
  5. Spend the next 44 lumps to get farms to level 9, unlocking the maximum size of the garden.
Jun 2, 2024

When should I ascend in Clicker Clicker? ›

During the first ascension new trans(FANT) your goal should be to ascend at 130 due to the fact that 110,120, and 130 are all 100% guaranteed to be primal. If you have transcended at least once, follow the ancient calculator.

What is a good number to ascend in Cookie Clicker? ›

The bare minimum requirement to consider to ascend should be when you are done with baking 1 trillion cookies. This will give you 1 prestige level. Popular advice among the Cookie Clicker community is to ascend when you have at least 100-200 prestige levels.

How do you ascend faster in Cookie Clicker? ›

Another tip is that pressing the Enter key after pressing the "Legacy" button or the "Reincarnate" button will instantly cause you to ascend or reincarnate, therefore meaning that the player doesn't need to move their mouse and click, speeding up the process.

How many cookies do you need to prestige? ›

Prestige leveling follows a specific cubic pattern, with having Prestige Level 1 needing 1 trillion cookies baked all time (1³ x 1 trillion), Prestige Level 2 needing 8 trillion (2³ x 1 trillion) and so on; because of this, going from level 1 to level 2 would require (2³ - 1³) x 1 trillion = an additional 7 trillion ...


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.