Glyphs (2024)

Glyphs (1)

Glyphs are special Props featured in Dead by DaylightGlyphs (2)Glyphs (3)Glyphs (4).

Their first variation, the Red Glyph, was introduced with Tome 6 - Divergence in Patch 4.5.0.
Since then, every new Tome up to and including Tome 13 - Malevolence introduced a new variation, each with a new colour and new effects.


  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Visibility
  • 3 Spawn Behaviour
    • 3.1 Single Glyph
    • 3.2 Multiple Glyphs
  • 4 Interaction
  • 5 Variations
    • 5.1 Red Glyph
    • 5.2 Blue Glyph
    • 5.3 Yellow Glyph
    • 5.4 Purple Glyph
    • 5.5 White Glyph
    • 5.6 Green Glyph
    • 5.7 Orange Glyph
    • 5.8 Pink Glyph
  • 6 Tome Availability
  • 7 Change Log
    • 7.1 Tome 14
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 Video
  • 10 Gallery


Glyphs are special Props that are only generated when a Player has a Glyph Challenge selected, which are available in various iterations from Tome 6 - Divergence onwards.

The following variations have been introduced so far (in order of release):

  • Red Glyph
  • Blue Glyphs
  • Yellow Glyphs
  • Purple Glyphs
  • White Glyphs
  • Green Glyphs
  • Orange Glyphs
  • Pink Glyphs

Please check below for more details.


Glyphs have the appearance of a plumb-bob-shaped crystal that floats in mid-air.

Glyphs spawn in a random location in the Trial Grounds and are invisible to all Players but those, who have the associated Glyph Challenge selected.
Once those Players approach the Glyph's location and come close enough, the Glyph reveals itself to those Players and plays an audio cue.

Some Glyphs, given specific circ*mstances, reveal their AuraGlyphs (5)Glyphs (6)Glyphs (7) to the Player, making it easier to find them.

Spawn Behaviour[]

Selecting a Glyph Challenge from a Tome that features this type of challenge will spawn either one or multiple Glyphs in the next Trial, depending on the Glyph colour.

Single Glyph[]

Most Glyph Challenge only spawn a single Glyph of their specific colour-variation.

The Glyph will be located in a completely random location in the environment.
Single Glyphs are generally personal and only reveal themselves to the Challenge Holder and remain invisible and un-interactable for all other Players.
However, when the Challenge Holder starts communing with the Glyph, other Players will be able to see it.

Uniquely for single Glyphs, Yellow Glyphs respawn in a new location if the Challenge Holder fails one of the multiple Skill ChecksGlyphs (8)Glyphs (9)Glyphs (10) communing with the Glyph triggers for them.

Multiple Glyphs[]

A few Glyph Challenge spawn multiple Glyphs of their specific colour-variation.
They follow the same general rules as single Glyphs, with the exception of the Green Glyphs:

  • White Glyphs always spawn as a pair, with one spawning in a random location outside, but near the Basem*ntGlyphs (11)Glyphs (12)Glyphs (13) and the second one spawning inside it after the Challenge Holder successfully interacted with the first one.
  • Multiple Green Glyphs spawn in unused spawn locations for TotemsGlyphs (14)Glyphs (15)Glyphs (16) whenever a Survivor completes a Generator or the Killer gets a Hook.
    • Green Glyphs are unique in that if several Players have that Challenge selected, the Green Glyphs will act as a general pool and are visible and interactable to all those Players.


Both Survivors and Killers must commune with a Glyph in order to close it and succeed the Glyph Challenge.
This interaction will dissolve the crystal and temporarily replace it with a floating Glyph symbol.
This interaction, as well as the symbol, can be seen by all Players, indicating to them what the Glyph Communer is doing.


Currently, there exist 8 variations of Glyphs.
Each variation was introduced with a new Tome:

GlyphAssociated Challenge(s)Spawn per TrialIntroductory TomeAvailability
Glyphs (17)Red GlyphGlyph Seeker1 GlyphTome 6 - DivergenceGlyphs (18)Glyphs (19)
Glyphs (20)Blue GlyphGlyph Communer /
Glyph Escapee
1 GlyphTome 7 - ForsakenGlyphs (21)Glyphs (22)
Glyphs (23)Yellow GlyphGlyph Graduate1 GlyphTome 8 - DeliveranceGlyphs (24)Glyphs (25)
Glyphs (26)Purple GlyphGlyph Tracker1 GlyphTome 9 - CrescendoGlyphs (27)Glyphs (28)
Glyphs (29)White GlyphGlyph Caretaker2 GlyphsTome 10 - SAWGlyphs (30)Glyphs (31)
Glyphs (32)Green GlyphGlyph Pursuer0-6 GlyphsTome 11 - DevotionGlyphs (33)Glyphs (34)
Glyphs (35)Orange GlyphGlyph Massacre1 GlyphTome 12 - DiscordanceGlyphs (36)
Glyphs (37)Pink GlyphGlyph Prowler1 GlyphTome 13 - MalevolenceGlyphs (38)

Red Glyph[]

Glyphs (39)

The Glyph Seeker Challenge is available to all Players:

  • Interaction time for Killers: 1.5 seconds
  • Interaction time for Survivors: 3 seconds
  • Visibility range: 8 metres

Blue Glyph[]

Glyphs (40)

The Glyph Communer and Glyph Escapee Challenges are only available to Survivors.

  • Interaction time: 3 seconds
  • Visibility range: 10 metres
  • Penalty duration: 60 seconds
    • After communing with a Blue Glyph, the Survivor suffers from either the BlindnessGlyphs (41)Glyphs (42)Glyphs (43) or the ObliviousGlyphs (44)Glyphs (45)Glyphs (46) Status Effect.
    • If the Challenge is Glyph Escapee, the Survivor must escape the Trial in addition to communing with the Blue Glyph to complete it.

Yellow Glyph[]

Glyphs (47)

The Glyph Graduate Challenge is only available to Survivors.
The Yellow Glyph requires to succeed several Skill Checks in quick succession to commune with it:

  • Interaction time: 5 seconds
  • Visibility range: 16 metres
    • While communing with a Yellow Glyph, the Glyph triggers several Skill ChecksGlyphs (48)Glyphs (49)Glyphs (50) in quick succession.
      Failing a Skill Check will relocate the Glyph to a different part of the Trial Grounds.

Purple Glyph[]

Glyphs (51)

The Glyph Tracker Challenge is only available to Killers.
The Purple Glyph does not remain stationary, it randomly moves throughout the Trial Grounds, leaving only a trail of purple ooze behind it, with which The Killer can track its location in order to reveal it.
Hooking a Survivor will reveal its AuraGlyphs (52)Glyphs (53)Glyphs (54) for a short duration:

  • Interaction time: 2 seconds
  • Visibility range: 4 metres
  • Movement speed: 1.5 m/s
  • Movement range: 2 metres
    • If The Killer approaches within this range, the Purple Glyph stops moving.
  • Redirect range: 10 metres
    • If The Killer approaches within this range, the Purple Glyph starts choosing its next location.
  • Minimum distance to new spawn point: 1 metre
  • Maximum distance to new spawn point: 25 metres
  • Movement Acceptance radius: 2 metres
    • Used while the Glyph moves to its new location.
  • Post-Hook Aura Reveal duration: 4 seconds
    • This refers to how long The Killer sees the AuraGlyphs (55)Glyphs (56)Glyphs (57) of the Purple Glyph after hooking a Survivor.

White Glyph[]

Glyphs (58)

The Glyph Caretaker Challenge is only available to Survivors.
The White Glyph spawns a fragile Pocket MirrorGlyphs (59)Glyphs (60)Glyphs (61) that will need to be carried into the Basem*ntGlyphs (62)Glyphs (63)Glyphs (64) without breaking in order to complete the Challenge.
The Survivor with the active Challenge can see the AuraGlyphs (65)Glyphs (66)Glyphs (67) of the first Glyph:

  • Interaction time: 3 seconds
  • Visibility range: 8 metres
  • Respawn duration: 10 seconds
    • This refers to how long it takes the White Glyph to respawn after breaking the Pocket Mirror.
  • Minimum Spawn distance from the Basem*nt: 30 metres
  • Maximum Spawn distance from the Basem*nt: 50 metres

Green Glyph[]

Glyphs (68)

The Glyph Pursuer Challenge is available to all Players.
Multiple Green Glyphs spawn in locations TotemsGlyphs (69)Glyphs (70)Glyphs (71) could spawn in.

Green Glyphs spawn whenever either Survivors complete a Generator or the Killer gets a Hook, spawning 1 Glyph each time, up to a maximum of 6 Glyphs per Trial.

It does not matter who progresses the objective, the Green Glyphs will spawn either way, but can only be seen or interacted with by a Player with the Challenge equipped.

During the Endgame CollapseGlyphs (72)Glyphs (73)Glyphs (74), their AuraGlyphs (75)Glyphs (76)Glyphs (77) will be briefly revealed:

  • Interaction time for Killers: 2 seconds
  • Interaction time for Survivors: 8 seconds
  • Visibility range: 8 metres
  • Maximum Spawn number: 6 Glyphs
    • Due to Green Glyphs sharing their spawn locations with Totems, it is possible that a Trial will spawn fewer than 6 Glyphs, if there are not enough spawn locations available on the Map.
      Shelter Woods, for example, only has 10 Spawn locations available in total.
      As 5 are always reserved for Totems, Shelter Woods can only spawn up to 5 Glyphs.

Orange Glyph[]

Glyphs (78)

The Glyph Massacre Challenge is only available to the Killer.
The Orange Glyph causes the Killer to suffer from several afflictions at the same time while they are tasked to hook 6 Survivors in order to close the Glyph:

  • Interaction time: 2 seconds
  • Visibility range: 16 metres
    • It should be noted that the Orange Glyph spawns right next to the Killer upon loading into a Trial and thus does not require to be searched for first.
  • Afflictions:
    • Increases the Cool-down duration of missed Basic Attacks by +0.5 seconds.
    • Reduces the Recovery speed from Pallet Stuns by -50%.
    • Reduces the Action speed of breaking Breakable WallsGlyphs (79)Glyphs (80)Glyphs (81) and PalletsGlyphs (82)Glyphs (83)Glyphs (84), and damaging GeneratorsGlyphs (85)Glyphs (86)Glyphs (87) by -30%.

Pink Glyph[]

Glyphs (88)

The Glyph Prowler Challenge is only available to Survivors.
A Survivor must be cautious in approaching the Pink Glyph as it will inflict them with the ExposedGlyphs (89)Glyphs (90)Glyphs (91) Status Effect and disappear, if the Glyph has line-of-sight for too long.
The Pink Glyph will reappear in a different location on the Map if stalking it was unsuccessful or if one moves too far away from it.
Managing to sneak up on the Pink Glyph without being seen for too long will allow the Survivor to interact with it:

  • Interaction time: 3 seconds
  • Visibility range: 30 metres
    • Within this range, the Pink Glyph is also able to detect the Survivor approaching it, potentially causing Exposed if they are not careful.
    • An audible sound cue plays as soon as the Survivor has entered its range and the Glyph become visible.
  • Marking time: 4 seconds
    • This refers to for how long the Glyph must have line-of-sight on the approaching Survivor before it Marks it, using the same mechanic that The Ghost FaceGlyphs (92)Glyphs (93)Glyphs (94) uses.
  • Grace timer: 1 second
    • This refers to for how long the Glyph must have line-of-sight on the approaching Survivor before its starts the Marking process.
  • Movement range: 32 metres
    • Once a Survivor enters the visibility range of the Glyph, they must stay within the movement range, otherwise it will despawn and teleport to a different location.
  • Marked Timer duration: 30 seconds
  • Teleportation delay: 10 seconds
    • This refers to for how long the Glyph waits before relocating to a new location.
  • Marking Progress Reset delay: 1 second
    • This refers to the delay after losing line-of-sight before the Glyph fully resets the Marking process.

Tome Availability[]

The following table lists all TomesGlyphs (95)Glyphs (96)Glyphs (97) that feature Glyph Challenges and which variations they are:

TomeFeatured Glyphs
Glyphs (98)Glyphs (99)Glyphs (100)Glyphs (101)Glyphs (102)Glyphs (103)Glyphs (104)Glyphs (105)
Tome 6Glyphs (106)Glyphs (107)Glyphs (108)Glyphs (109)Glyphs (110)Glyphs (111)Glyphs (112)Glyphs (113)
Tome 7Glyphs (114)Glyphs (115)Glyphs (116)Glyphs (117)Glyphs (118)Glyphs (119)Glyphs (120)Glyphs (121)
Tome 8Glyphs (122)Glyphs (123)Glyphs (124)Glyphs (125)Glyphs (126)Glyphs (127)Glyphs (128)Glyphs (129)
Tome 9Glyphs (130)Glyphs (131)Glyphs (132)Glyphs (133)Glyphs (134)Glyphs (135)Glyphs (136)Glyphs (137)
Tome 10Glyphs (138)Glyphs (139)Glyphs (140)Glyphs (141)Glyphs (142)Glyphs (143)Glyphs (144)Glyphs (145)
Tome 11Glyphs (146)Glyphs (147)Glyphs (148)Glyphs (149)Glyphs (150)Glyphs (151)Glyphs (152)Glyphs (153)
Tome 12Glyphs (154)Glyphs (155)Glyphs (156)Glyphs (157)Glyphs (158)Glyphs (159)Glyphs (160)Glyphs (161)
Tome 13Glyphs (162)Glyphs (163)Glyphs (164)Glyphs (165)Glyphs (166)Glyphs (167)Glyphs (168)Glyphs (169)
Tome 14Glyphs (170)Glyphs (171)Glyphs (172)Glyphs (173)Glyphs (174)Glyphs (175)Glyphs (176)Glyphs (177)
Tome 15Glyphs (178)Glyphs (179)Glyphs (180)Glyphs (181)Glyphs (182)Glyphs (183)Glyphs (184)Glyphs (185)
Tome 16Glyphs (186)Glyphs (187)Glyphs (188)Glyphs (189)Glyphs (190)Glyphs (191)Glyphs (192)Glyphs (193)
Tome 17Glyphs (194)Glyphs (195)Glyphs (196)Glyphs (197)Glyphs (198)Glyphs (199)Glyphs (200)Glyphs (201)
Tome 18Glyphs (202)Glyphs (203)Glyphs (204)Glyphs (205)Glyphs (206)Glyphs (207)Glyphs (208)Glyphs (209)
Tome 19Glyphs (210)Glyphs (211)Glyphs (212)Glyphs (213)Glyphs (214)Glyphs (215)Glyphs (216)Glyphs (217)

Change Log[]

Tome 14[]

  • Killer Nerf: the Orange Glyph now applies all three of its afflictions at the same time instead of just one of them, depending on the Tome Level it was part of, like it did in its introductory Tome 12.
  • Killer QoL: the Orange Glyph no longer applies the sound effect affliction, nor the visual HUD overlay affliction.


  • It is possible for a Survivor to spawn into the Trial within both range and line-of-sight of their Pink Glyph, causing them to become Exposed immediately after gaining control over their character.
  • Tome 14 - Betrayal was the first Tome since the introduction of Glyphs to not introduce a new variation of the Glyphs and there have been no new Glyphs since.
  • It should be noted that just as with other Interactables, the Killer has the ability to grab both healthy or injured Survivors, if they are actively interacting with a Glyph, making it dangerous to do so in view of the Killer.


Claudette communing with a Red GlyphThe Demogorgon communing with a Red Glyph
Feng communing with a Yellow GlyphThe Trickster communing with a Purple Glyph
Yun-Jin communing with a White GlyphYun-Jin communing with a Green Glyph
The Demogorgon communing with a Green GlyphThe Onryō communing with an Orange Glyph (Old HUD Effect)
The Onryō damaging a Generator while affected by an Orange GlyphYun-Jin communing with a Pink Glyph
Zarina being Exposed by a Pink Glyph


  • Glyphs (218)

    Felix communing with a Red Glyph.

  • Glyphs (219)


  • Glyphs (220)


  • Glyphs (221)

    Felix communing with a Blue Glyph.

  • Glyphs (222)


  • Glyphs (223)


  • Glyphs (224)

    A Blue Glyph collapsing.
    Note the debuff that is applied.

  • Glyphs (225)

    Observing another Survivor interacting with a Yellow Glyph.

  • Glyphs (226)

    The trail left by an invisible Purple Glyph wandering about the Map.

  • Glyphs (227)

    A stationary and visible Purple Glyph after catching up to it.

  • Glyphs (228)

    The Wraith interacting with a Purple Glyph.

  • Glyphs (229)

    The Aura of the Purple Glyph after hooking a Survivor.

  • Glyphs (230)

    The White Glyph in the Basem*nt.

  • Glyphs (231)

    Feng communing with a Green Glyph.

  • Glyphs (232)

    The Aura of a Green Glyph revealed at the beginning of the Endgame Collapse.

  • Glyphs (233)

    Wraith communing with an Orange Glyph.

  • Glyphs (234)

    The HUD Overlay while the Orange Glyph Challenge is active.

  • Glyphs (235)

    The Orange Glyph spawning right in front of the Killer.

  • Glyphs (236)

    Tapp communing with a Pink Glyph

Glyphs (237) Alarm ClocksGlyphs (238) BarrelGlyphs (239) Bear TrapsGlyphs (240) Breakable WallsGlyphs (241) Cages of Atonement
Glyphs (242) ChestsGlyphs (243) Control StationsGlyphs (244) Crown PillarGlyphs (245) CrowsGlyphs (246) Dark Mist
Glyphs (247) DronesGlyphs (248) Exit GatesGlyphs (249) GeneratorsGlyphs (250) GlyphsGlyphs (251) Hatch
Glyphs (252) HooksGlyphs (253) Jigsaw BoxesGlyphs (254) LockersGlyphs (255) Masquerade PillarGlyphs (256) Memory Shards
Glyphs (257) MoonlightGlyphs (258) PalletsGlyphs (259) Paper LanternsGlyphs (260) Pools of DevotionGlyphs (261) Pumpkins
Glyphs (262) SnowmenGlyphs (263) Supply CasesGlyphs (264) TotemsGlyphs (265) TVsGlyphs (266) Visceral Cankers
Glyphs (267) Windows
Glyphs (2024)


What is a glyph in art? ›

: an ornamental vertical groove especially in a Doric frieze. 2. : a symbolic figure or a character (as in the Mayan system of writing) usually incised or carved in relief. 3. : a symbol (such as a curved arrow on a road sign) that conveys information nonverbally.

What is the difference between a glyph and a font? ›

A glyph is a single representation of a character. Every font has a Unicode character map that links (abstract) character IDs with how to display that character, using the default glyphs.

Is a letter a glyph? ›

A character is the symbol representing a letter. A glyph is the specific shape, design, or representation of a character.

What is a glyph logo? ›

Simply put, glyph logos are visual representations of what your business is all about.

What is an example of a glyph? ›

A glyph is a symbol — it can represent a word, letter, or number, and it can also be a mark that tells you how to pronounce a letter. In Spanish, the tilde — the wavy line in the letter ñ, as in the word señorita — is an example of a glyph. If a symbol or mark communicates a piece of valuable information, it's a glyph.

Which font has the most glyphs? ›

Noto is the most extensive typeface out there. Its language support can't all fit in a single font. It is open source, and its development is supported by Google—and some portions by Adobe, Monotype and others.

How do I know if a font has glyphs? ›

The easy way to know what is in a font's character set is by viewing the software's glyph panel. For any font, begin by selecting the Entire Font option. From there, view the submenus, investigating categories of glyphs you might be interested in.

What is a glyph also known as? ›

The word glyph comes from the French gylphe meaning an "ornamental groove in sculpture of architecture." The term "glyph" has a number of meanings across different disciplines. In archeology, for instance, a glyph is a written or inscribed symbol. A good example would be the famous hieroglyphics of ancient Egypt.

Is an umlaut a glyph? ›

Umlaut-A. A similar glyph, A with umlaut, appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of a [aː] ([a] when short), resulting in [ɛː] (or [eː] for many speakers) in the case of the long [aː] and [ɛ] in the case of the short [a].

Is a tilde a glyph? ›

A mark used in a language is a glyph, but in another language it may not be a glyph. For example, an 'n' with tilde, ñ, is used in Spanish, as in piñata. It is not a glyph in English.

Is punctuation a glyph? ›

Choose Entire Font to display all glyphs available in the font. Choose an option below Entire Font to narrow the list to a subset of glyphs. For example, Punctuation displays only punctuation glyphs; Math Symbols narrows the choices to mathematical symbols.

What is a glyph tattoo? ›

Glyph tattoos are symbols that hold significant meaning or represent a specific concept.

What is the root word for glyph? ›

Borrowed from French glyphe, from Ancient Greek γλυφή (gluphḗ, “carving”), from γλύφω (glúphō, “I carve, engrave”).

What is the sprite symbol? ›

From the beginning, the Sprite logo design has often included imagery related to the lemon-lime flavor of the drink. Whether it's the iconic lemon replacing the dot or the abstract overlapping circles representing lime and lemon, the logo has consistently symbolized the distinct flavor.

What is the difference between a glyph and an icon? ›

A glyph is a typographical character that represents something else. For example, the @ sign is a glyph that commonly represents the phrase at. An icon is a direct representation of something else. For example, an icon that links to the contents of a hard drive would be a picture of a hard drive.

What is a glyph shape? ›

In typography, a glyph is "the specific shape, design, or representation of a character". It is a particular graphical representation, in a particular typeface, of an element of written language.

What is the glyph in nothing phone? ›

All preset Nothing ringtones and notification sound effects have a specially designed Glyph pattern. When the Glyph interface is turned on, there is an incoming call, or you receive a message notification, the Glyph interface will light up the light strip in a preset pattern.


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Author: Tyson Zemlak

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Author information

Name: Tyson Zemlak

Birthday: 1992-03-17

Address: Apt. 662 96191 Quigley Dam, Kubview, MA 42013

Phone: +441678032891

Job: Community-Services Orchestrator

Hobby: Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Metalworking, Fashion, Vehicle restoration, Shopping, Photography

Introduction: My name is Tyson Zemlak, I am a excited, light, sparkling, super, open, fair, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.