The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

PAGE TEN i SATURDAY, MARCH 17,, 1973- LIKE Hi DISCOUNT STOflE 111 MM HOME SSI SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA 50-CHILD CARE 21 BUSINESS SERVICES 120-FORSALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY 115 FOR SALE OR RENT -MOBILE HOMES 120-FOR -SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY 120 FOR SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY 106 FOR RENT BUSINESS 95 PETS AND HOBBIES FOR SALE: AKC Registered Pomeranian puppies. Phone 445-3431. CRAFTS. TRAINS, planes, boats, plaster craft, candle craft, slot racing, radio control and classes. Beautiful trophies, 50 per cent.

off. All in one big hobby store. Spencer's Crafts Hobbies, 2015-17 Ewing, Seymour. 522-7480. 100 FOR RENT SEYMOUR PROPERTY FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house.

Phone 522-6418 or 522-7716. 101 FOR RENT BROWNSTOWN PROPERTY FOR RENT: Four room, partly furnished house. Phone 358-3154. 103 FOR RENT ROOMS, APTS. THREE FURNISHED rooms.

Call 522-3434. WALTON HOTEL: Reasonable room rates, daily and weekly. Also 2 room apartment, no children, no cooking. APARTMENT FOR rent: 4 rooms and bath. Inquire at rear of 317 North Poplar.

NICE, CLEAN all private apartment. Utilities furnished. Inquire 725 North Broadway. Phone 522-6023. FIVE ROOMS bath, plus utilities, no children or pets.

$65.00 per month. 211 South Park Drive. LARGE 3 room furnished apartment. Private bath and entrance. Utilities paid.

Adults. 522,6132. FOR RENT: duplex. Water fur nished. Keady March 2).

Call 522-5842. SEYMOUR O'BRIEN MANOR leasing 1, 2, 3 bedroom apartments from $111.00 including all utilities, all electric with central air, range, refrigerator, garbage disposal, laundry facilities and play area. For information phone 522-4064. Equal Housing Opportunity. FURNISHED APARTMENT: 3 rooms, ground floor.

101 East 3rd Street. PILLOWS CLEANED anc revitalised, new ticking, feather beds made into pilldws, 41 95 each. "Pardieck Norge Village. 708 Wst Tipton.Street, Seymour SEPTIC TANK Cleaning: Specialr winter rates. Free estimates.

Murphy Septic Tank Service. 522- .7717: SEWING MACHINE Repair. Prompt, guaranteed service on all makes. CaU collect 346-4165 CUSTOM BUTCHERING: Harlow Meat Market. .218 South Chestnut.

Phone 522-1654. SEEDING sodding of lawns commercial areas. Fertilization, Hydro seeding, straw blowing. Call David Hocking. 522-7879 anytime.

COMPLETE LAWN SERVICE Sodding, seeding, fertilizing, and de-thatching. New lawns or old lawns. For a beautiful lawn this year call 522-6736 or 522-5132 COIN TYPE dry cleaning; Cleanest wash in town, attendant on duty p. Pardieck Norge Village. 708 West Tipton street, Seymour, Indiana.

SEPTIC TANK cleaning with modern equipment. On 24 hour call. Eugene and Robert Dale Planck. Seymour, 522-1143. North Vernon.

346-3723. HOUSES TO paint. Reasonable, free estimates. 522-2237. IF YOUR car is 'in need of care, call Richard Keithley for repairs.

Reasonable rates 358-3134 after 4 30 on weekdays. 30 EMPLOYMENT-MEN JOURNEYMAN TOOLMAKER: 8 men well equipped shop. 50 hour week. Good benefits. King Tool 190 North Main.

Scottsburg. 752-4342. WANTED: COLLECTOR. Experience preferred but not necessary. Salary plus commission.

54 days a week Contact Southern Indiana Credit Bureau 358-4244. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Area Distributor Needed Established national firm opening marketing program in multi-county areas. Exclusive agricultural sales agreement. Full dealer support' -product sales advertising. Exceptional opportunity for qualified person who wishes to manage dealerships in his area.

No franchise fee. Inquiries are invited Please include resume. Write A. L. Lauer.

Box 341, Saginaw. Michigan 48607. WANTED: HAVE permanent opening for one man Applv at Culligan. V. 50 EXPERIENCED BULLDOZER operator Write Box 19.

Seymour Tribune WANTED: EXPERIENCED ground man. Applv in person only 636 South O'Brien 31 -EMPLOYMENT-WOMEN EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED lady cook. Apply in person 9a.m. till 12 noon No phone calls please Kaley's Nursing Home. 202 W.

6th St Sevmour WAITRESS: FRIDAY 4 Saturday nights. Must be over 21. Also Pizza maker, nights. Apply in person Pizza Palace between 3 5 32 EMPLOYMENT MEN AND WOMEN ANTED: BUSS help, male or female Neat appearance No phone tails Holiday Inn JUNIOR ACCOUNTANT: BS or BA degree 1 to 1 years experience in Industrial or Public Accounting Some travel would be involved Basic duties would be to establish new accounting procedures and analyze problems in present procedures Excellent starting salary and fringe benefits An Equal Opportunity Empluser Send complete resume to Box 31 Se mour Tribune COUNTING (LERK with general accounting experience Prefer Associate Degree with 1 to 2 years accounting experience Excellent starting salar and fringe benefits Equal Opportunity Employer belttl complete rcMinu to Box 2. Seyfnour Tribune WANTED: MOBILE catering driver Male or female.

5 day work week fringe benefits after 90 davs ppl from 10 a till 4 213 2nd Street Seymour WANTED: INSTITUTIONAL custi-dial help Benefits, day cr mghi (iive references Write to Box 27. ievmour Tribune 40-BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SAI F- Smith Choclnnl traot lighted, furnace heat, central air Building in extra good condition Hal three floors. Immediate nosm fKm oood location Henry Krummel Realtor Phone 522 4366 or 522 4367 FOR SALE: Modern 5 room house. Bath with garage on large lot, in Jonesville. Priced to sell.

522-1572. THINK POSITIVE, THINK WHAT'S NEW? 500 W. 6th St: Lovelj .5 room ided bungalow or. -comer lot, close toall schools. Large closets, kit.

redecorated with new kit. carpet, gas and one cat gar location. Priced right at $13,700 with washer, dryer, refrig. range. WHAT'S NEW? R.F.D.

4: 20 acres with approx. 14 acre lake. Close to 1-65 31-A exchange. Inquire at office for further details. WifAT'S NEW? 631 W.

Second SHarp 5 room alum, sided bungalow, gas dishwasher, disposal, on 50xl50Jofc $11,900.00: TAKE THE HEADACHE OUT OF SELLING YOUR HOME, BY LISTING WITH MILT, TODAY. ACME; acre with 6 room modern bungalow, all elec, 3 car pet inlaidfloors, enclosed paneled heated back porch, storage and 2 car gar. $15,900.00. WOODLAND LAKES: Beautiful 2 story all elec with 24 baths, lg. fam.

carpet inlaid floors, form. din. area, full dry and double car gar. Over 18S6 sq. ft of liv.

area, plus base. gar. Low tax rate. 504 WENDEMERE Nice 3 bedrm- all elec. brick, carpeted throughout, form.

din. area, and one car gar. $21,900.00. 517 E. TIPTON ST.i 2 bedrm.

insul sided bungalow, ideal for investment property, gas heat, on lg. 50x-200 ft. deep lot. $7,000.00. 320 W.

SPRING B'town: 2 story alum, and insul sided, 3 or 4 oil part 2 fireplaces, carpeted, and on comer lot. $9800.00. 927 S. POPLAR 3 bedrm. stone alum, sided, carpet inlaid, cent, air gas furn.

and carport. Good location, close to park and school. 201 E. 15TH Lovely 3 bedrm. stone ranch, fam.

fireplace in liv. carpet hdwd. floors, gas 2 window air utility room, Vz baths, and' on lovely corner lot, overlooking the golf course, 1 car att. gar. and single carport.

FAIRVIEW: Nice 3 bedrm. stone ranch, gas 2 window units, fully carpeted, fireplace in liv. rm. with glass doors, l'fe baths, washer, dryer and range remain with property. $22,900.00.

301 S. PARK 2 bedrm. bungalow corner lot, carpet in liv. room, gas heat and storage shed. $5300.00.

450 MUTTON CREEK 3 bedrm. all fam. form. din. 24 baths, pullman kit.

with deluxe range, disposal, plenty of storage space and double carport. REDDINGTON AREA: On 31, 3 bedrm. brick, oil full cent, air 2 full baths, double carport, on 2 acres with sm. pony-barn. GREENDALE PARKWAY 3 bedrm.

all 'elec. brick and alum, sided ranch, 14 baths, carpet inlaid floors, elec. build ins in and att. 1 car gar. Immediate possession.

HICKORY HILLS: 3 bedrm. all elec. brick ranch, 14 baths, carpet inlaid floors, 1 car att. gar. Lg.

lot, fenced back yard and plenty of shade. 2115 MARK TWAIN 3 bedrm. brick, 2 full baths, fam. cent, air gas carpet hdwd. floors, full base, and att.

double carport. Lg. well landscaped lot. 1012 ORCHARD 3 bedrm. ranch, den, 2 full baths, carpeted, gas furn.

and 2 car gar. with heat and work bench. $21,900.00. 824 S. O'BRIEN: 3 bedrm.

asb. sided bungalow, hdwd. tile floors, gas furn. $8900.00. POLLERT REAL ESTATE "THE ACTION AGENCY" 404 N.

Chestnut St. 522-2112 Milt Pollert 522-1844 Lee Stoket 522-6259 Patty Russell 522-3785 H. G. Schepman Col. 372-1032 162 SOUTH Walnut Street: 14 acre: more or less clear land, a real ares for new development.

Land lies in rear of 1629. Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. 1301-1303 EWING: Lots 68x300 with store room, also with four-room living quarters. If interested in getting started in a business, this is a real opportunity.

Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. 1005 SOUTHLINE Drive Nice, 3 bed-room. 2 baths, living, dinette, kitchen. Home in good condition, uood location.

Contact Henry Krumme. Jr. Phone 522- 4366 or 522-4367. IF WE DIDN'T DO MORE WE'D JUST BE LIKE ANY OTHER HOME BUILDER But we do more more than just pour foundations, nail lumber, lay bricks like everyone else. At Wayman Bros, we're concerned with everything it takes to make you a satisfied homeowner.

We want to make living in a Wayman Bros, home as pleasant as you expect it to be. Let us help you plan your new home todav. f(P WAYMAN BROS. BUILDERS 141 W. Spring B'towa Pboae U8-4027 service- smECTOiw Jim Ready To- $ttt Yw CHILD CARE in my home.

Super vised play, hot meals: Call 793-2923. BAPTIST TEMPLE KIDDIE KOLLEGE Excellent care from a. m. till 6,:00 p. m.

for children ages M. For information please call 522-8959 or 522-8623. 60-SITUATIONS WANTED MALE ROOFING AND gutter cleaning. Call 522-5608. INTERIOR PAINTING and decorating Brownstown 358-2936.

CARPENTRY AND remodeling: Cemen work, roofing, furnaces, plastering, olumbing 522-1633. WANTED: CARPENTRY work, remodeling, room additions. Call 522-1772. WANTED: HAULING crushed stone, sand, gravel and fill dirt. Phone 358-2243 or 358-3985 anytime.

WANTED: GARDEN plowing and discing Bill Keeling. Phone 522-6813. EXPERIENCED BUILDER wants remodeling job or will frame houses per foot. 522-3301. 61-SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE WILL ALTER clothes: Coats, dresses, skirts.

Addie Terkhorn, 715 South Vine street. PRIVATE DUTV nurse wants job in private home. Day or night shift. 812-346-5466. WOULD LIKE to have a manager's job.

12 years experience. 812-346-5466. 70 WANTED TO RENT SEYMOUR PROPERTY WANTED TO rent: House in surrounding Seymour area. Couple only. 522-3103.

RESPONSIBLE PARTY needs 2 or 3 bedroom home to rent by June 1st. Excellent references. Preferably west side. Call 522-5353 after 6:30 p. 71 -WANTED TO RENT FARM LAND WANTED TO rent farm land.

Terms open. Phone 522-2099. 81-WANTED AGRICULTURAL WANTED: Horses to board. 522-5370. WANTED TO BUY: Poultry and eggs.

Fosbrink Farms, Cortland. Phone 522-7712. 82 WANTED MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS MAN seeks to purchase a sound, profitable business in South-Central Indiana area. Please respond giving name and telephone number to Box 1. Seymour Tribune.

RAMBLER 62 Classic transmission. Must be '62 SS. 995-2342 WE BUY, sell, swap and trade Lionel. American Flyer trains. 2015-17 Ewing.

Spencer Hobby. 522-7480. WANTED REAL Estate Listings We need listings on small acreage -farms suburban homes in Jackson County. If you have real estate to sell, give us a try. Russell McKin-nev.

Realtor Auctioneer. Phone 342-3116 or 342-3525. Columbus. Indiana 95-PETS AND HOBBIES EMALE BEAGLE pups, well marked. $10.00 each.

Female beagle. 2 years old. $25 00 522-7671 RAT TERRIER pups Laurence Kruse Phone 522-5565 MALE CHIHUAHUA: $35.00 Male Toy Poodle $35 00: male half Chihuahua $15 00: female half Chihuahua $15 00; half Fealyham Terriers $20 00. half German Shepherd puppies $10 00 643-2955 FREE: 4 puppies 522-4770 John Duwe. Route 3 GERM AN SHEPHERD Stud Service Black silver 130 pound sire, chp Lance of Fran Jo 522946 FOR SALE: Full blooded Saint Bernard.

$75 00 522 7734 BOARDING-BREEDING. Puppies at Walker's Kennels. Phone 522-1132 8 a to 7 PART TOY Collie puppies 8 weeks old Male and female 522-7851 larger dog. part collie. I vear old 346 2940 WANTED: HOME for male nun Good stock Free sack of dog food Phone 522-2203 Seymbur.

Ind. FOR SALE Two and three bedroom mobile homes. Prices reduced up to $500. Free 5,000 Top Value Stamps. Hilltop Trailer Park 115 South O'Brien, Seymour.

FOR -SALE: 1971 Belmont 12x62, 3 bedroom, good condition. 833 South O'BrienLot 104.522-2163,' 1962 PACEMAKER Mobile Home. Total electric, air conditioner, TV, large awning. 522-6251. 831 N.

O'BRIEN: 2 bedroom trailer. Lot 50x200. Are you looking fir the ultimate in Mobile Home? Then you should shop for your new home at Accent Mobile Homes London, Shamrock, Ellona, Liberty, Sultan, Whitehoiise. "For a better built Mobile Home Let Us Show You Before You Buy" Accent Mobile Homes West Tipton St. U.

S. SO Seymour FOR SALE: Fully furnished, central air. Underskirted, anchored. Plus 8x12 out building. Phone 522-8338.

120 FOR SALE SEYMOUR PROPERTY FOR SALE: New, 3 bedroom brick, 2 baths, family room, fireplace, 2 car attached garage. Robert H. Woodard, Builder. 522-4537. TODAY IS THE DAY TO BUY YOUR DREAM HOME FOR TOMORROW SEE ANNE JUST LISTED: 309 W.

Bruce. 4 bedrm. 2 story frame, full dry basem*nt, alum, storms, built-in china closet, garage. JUST LISTED: 727 Devon 3 bedrm. ranch type brick, elec.

heat, plenty closets, cabinets. Redding School area. JUST LISTED: 741 Brookhaven. 3 bedrm. brick, fam.

kitchen, Vk baths, att. garage, chain link fence. Well cared for. JUST LISTED: 607 E. 10th St.

3 bedrm. 1 story alum, siding, storage alum, storms, $6,000 or exchange for auto. JUST LISTED: R. R. 1.

40 acres with 5 1 story frame home, new fence, 30x40 garage bldg. JUST LISTED: Good income business in excellent location. Priced to sell. JUST LISTED: 470 Vehslage Rd. 3 bedrm.

Vi bath, ex. lg. fam. elec. heat, disposal, antenna some draperies stay.

JUST LISTED: 713 W. 8th. 3 bedrm. sandstone, built-in stove oven, space for carport, Emerson School dist. Will trade for home in country.

JUST LISTED: 840 S. Pine 3 bedrm. gas heat. 2 car gar. Jackson School dist.

Nice home. NEW HOME: N. O'Brien St. 3 bedrm. alum, with brick front.

Textured ceilings, 1V4 baths, paneled garage. HOLLY DRToVrm. brick R. R. 1: 3 alum.

726 N. gar. 1520 NEW FOR'VqVA) 4 ACRES. East. 1570 LADY MA 4ATt 3 hedrm brick.

850 NORTH DRIVE, Sunset 3 bedrm. frame, nice neighborhood, 2 baths, fam. fireplace, Emerson School area, low taxes. 157S LADY MARIAN: 3 bedrm. brick with cedar trim, 2 baths, carpeted thru-out, fam.

rm. with sliding door to patio, disposal, dishwasher, range stay. cent, air, 2 car paneled on lg. corner lot. Priced to sell.

329 KESSLER Lovely 5 rm. brick, fireplace. 3 walls cabinets with lg. breakfast bar, form. din.

area, lg. bedrms. with plenty closets, fam. with fireplace in basem*nt, carpeted office, dishwasher draperies stay. 443 MUTTON CREEK: 3 fam.

form. din. fireplace, 2 baths. 2 car take rights, will take trade-in. Must sell.

303 S. PARK 4 rm. bungalow with full basem*nt, fireplace, screened-in front porch. 1519 LADY MARIAN: 3 bedrm brick, carpeted, 1W baths, garage, nice neighborhood, immediate possession 1511 LAKEVIEW West of high school. 3 bedrm.

brick, all carpeted, form, country kitchen, fam rm 14 baths, foyer, sep. utility 2 car beautifully landscaped. R.R. l. BROWNSTOWN: 7 miles west of Seymour on U.S.

50, acres with 12x60 mobile home and nice cattle or horse barn. R. R. I. COMMISKEY: 157 acres Good well.

3 or 4 bedrm. home, lg kitchen. 1025 CENTER 3 bedrm. alu frame home on 2 lots with full dry basem*nt, carpeted thru-out, baths. Well cared for.

71f E. TIPTON: 4 rm. block building, commercial property. It! CARDINAL 4 2 story brick frame, all Dlaceio rm.tam. dishwasher! disposal, I VT baths, sep.

utility very livable lovely home. ANNE BORGES REAL ESTATE 14 E. Tlptoa St, S22-8N S22-J277 VEHSLAGE ROAD: New brick veneer with 1900 square ft. floor apace plus large garage. Home has 3 bed rooms.

2 baths, large living room, large family room with fire- extra large kitchen with all uilt-uu. dinetta area, also formal dining room. Buyer to select color of carpet. Central air. Henry Krumme Realtor.

Phone 52J-4366 or 52X4367. SU EAST TH STREET: 3 rooms A bath. Garage. Horn hi extra good cooditioa. Henry Krumme Realtor, PtMOe, 522-436 or 523-4367.

PRENTICE PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICE THREE BROKERS TO SERVE YOU 4" BILL PRENTICE MAXINE GREEMANN DONN BISUOP CALL TODAY 522-5860 GET COMFORTABLE In this three bedroom brick ranch on New Ford Road. Xarge living rpora, paneled family room, kitchen haslots'bf cabinets plus built-in range and oven. Home is fully carpeted, gas heat, central air conditioning, attached two car garage, one and a half baths. 1600 New Ford Rd. $31,000.

HERE'S THE KEY To economy and comfort! New (under construction) two bedroom home. Living room, modern kitchen, gas heat, air con-. ditioning, fully carpeted, carport. Only $15,200. 732 Polley Drive.

MARCH IN BEFORE APRIL Under construction in Snyde Acres! New luxury home! Three bedroom brick ranch. Large living room, kitchen with dining area and family -room. Home fully carpeted, electric furnace, central air conditioning, attached two car garage. Two full ceramic baths, utility area, perma seal windows. $32,500.

FOR GROWING CHILDREN Smart three bedroom ranch home in quiet neighborhood. Modern kitchen features built in range oven. Large shaped living room with dining area. One and a half baths, utility area, gas heat, fenced-in back yard, two car garage. $22,500.

435 Western Parkway. TIRED OF COMPACTS? Then let us show you this spacious three bedroom ranch home in Sunset Parkway. Large gracious living room, formal dining room, modern kitchen with dining area, casual family room. Paneled basem*nt with wet bar. Two and a half bathsvutility room, large storage area, gas heat, central air.

1120 South Drive. ENVY OF NEIGHBORHOOD Smart three bedroom home on Meadows Ct. Newly decorated, fully carpeted, formal living dining rooms, large paneled family room, modern kitchen, one and a half baths, gas heat, central air, heated swimming pool, tree shaded lot. 670 Meadows Ct. in Sunset Parkway.

NEW AS TOMORROW Contemporary styling in a three bedroom ranch. Carpeted living room with fireplace, modern pullman kitchen, family room, landscaped patio and yard. Two full baths, central air, gas heat, two car garage. 732 W. 7th St.

$31,500. COUNTRY CASUAL Two bedroom stone home on lVfe acre lot. Carpeted living room, modern kitchen, full bath, large utility room, oil heat, carport. 50 ft. by 150 ft.

building on lot. Wheeler Addition, Vallonia. PERFECT SPOT TO LIVE Been looking for that ideal building site in the country? Four beautiful acres. Starve Hollow area. Peaceful, rustic, scenic, relaxing.

PRENTICE REAL ESTATE 400 North Ewing 522-5860 122-FOR SALE SUBURBAN PROPERTY MILES NORTHWEST: 295 acre farm, 6 room home, basem*nt, garage, 2 metal Cribs 60x115, barn, 2 silos, feeding lot all cemented, other items, a good cattle farm. Henry Krumme Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. 5 MILES Northeast: 108 acres, 80 acres tillable, nice brick veneer, all electric, 7 room home, double garage, attached, also barn and double crib. Home is like new.

Henry Krumme Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. 10 MILES SOUTHEAST: 285 acres, home, barn, silo, 2 large pole sheds, farrowing house, cement feeding lot for hogs. 2 ponds: This is a good grain and cattle farm. Henry Krumme Realtor.

Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. WOODLAND LAKE Addition, 2 nice new homes. Each have 3 bedrooms and double garage. Anyone interested in a new home out, shoujd check there before buying. Henry Krumme Jr Realtor.

Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. FOR SALE: By owner. Grocery store at Kurtz on Hi-way 58, complete stock and some restaurant equipment, good building, air-conditioned Phone 995-2344. 121-FOR SALE BROWKKTrtUfcl DDriDCBTV FIVE ROOMS ana bath, lraie house. Good location, near high school.

Above average condition. Priced to sell. 358-2103. r.lODILE none for luxurious uvinoatit* lEST-BUYONf OF OUR MOIIU HOMES, MO. FOR SALE or lease: Business buildings.

Henry. Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. FOR RENT or lease: Excellent business or office location. 1825 East Tipton Streets (Located East of Kocolene Oil Corpttion's General Office K- Immediate possession, fall 522-2224.

107-FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT: Convalescent Aids. Hospital beds, wheel chairs, invalid walkers, crutches, canes, etc. Baldwin Drug Store. 522-5409. JET WHIRLPOOL bath for Hydrotherapy in your own home, with your doctor's permission.

Fits on all bath tubs and gives you a treatment to relieve sprains, muscular disorders. Baldwin Drug Store. 522-5409. FOR RENT: Medical and surgical supplies and convalescent aids, wheel chairs, walkers, crutches, commodes, hospital beds, side rails, trapeze for hospital beds and stand-dard beds, support garments, home traction kits. Baldwin Drug Store.

522-5409. FOR RENT: Hospital beds, wheel chairs, walkers, crutches, commodes, oxygen equipment, whirlpool, patient lifts, Gym Dandy and exercise equipment. We handle claims for Medicare and Medicaid. Seymour Pharmacy, 601 West Second Street. Phone 522-3192.

115-FOR SALE OR RENT MOBILE HOMES MOBILE HOME for rent: $27 a week. You pay utilities. 522-6661. BAIRD MOBILE Homes, largest selection of new and used mobile homes in Southern Indiana. Highway 56 60 West.

Open 8:00 to 8:00 weekdays, 1:00 to 6:00 Sundays. Phone 883-3681, Salem, Indiana. FOR SALE: Very attractive 1970 Indy trailer, 12x60, excellent condition. Furnished, carpeted. Call 793-2112.

SPACE FOR modern trailers. Hilltop Trailer Park, 115 South O'Brien, 522-1987. CARPET CLEANING STEAM CLEAN carpet cleaning service. Also upholstery cleaning. Phone 522-6533.

218 E. Third Seymour. CARPET CLEANING: Residence and commercial. Richard Carpenter. Phone 522-3046.

COPY SERVICE PHOTOSTAT copies, maximum size 18" Electrostatic copies, maximum size 11" Seymour Daily Tribune, 1215 East Tipton Street. HOUSE CLEANING CARPET CLEANING: Commercial residential. Millerd Topie, Route 2. Seymour. 522-2552.

WELDING WELDING SMALL engine sales and service. Brigg's Fabrication Co, 109 Bruce Street. 522-3012. PAINTING PAINTING AND paper hanging. Call Nancy Champ 522-6142 PLUMBING HEATING DON'S HEATING, plumbing, electrical Installation service.

Phone 966-5591. Donald co*ckerham, Route Box 217, Medora, Indiana. LEROY COFFMAN: Plumbing. Free estimates, ffllly insured. 522-2827.

PRINTING ENGRAVED PRINTED Wedding Invitations, Marriage Announcements, Reception Invitations. Informals. Thank You Notes. Personalized paper napkins. Matches.

Playing Cards and Pencils. Seymour Daily Tribune, 1215) East TiDton Street. RUBBER STAMPS WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS, napkins, thank you notes, rubber stamps. Tut Rubber Stamps, 611 Mill Street. SERVICES ilEN HAIR styling performed by Certified Roffler Hair Styler.

Ideal Barber Shop Appointments available. 522-5967. FEDERAL AND State Income Tax Returns prepared. Contact Joe A. Pitman, 721 West 7th Street Seymour, for appointment.

VEW SERVICE: Rug binding. Model Rug Company, 500 W. Brown, 52J- 1921. HOUSE FOR sale: 3 rooms andjaath. $3,500.

Call 522-63f7 after 4 821 SARASOTA DRIVE: Nice 5 rooms, l'i baths. All built-in, garage, good byy, immediate possession. Henry Krumme, Realtor. "Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. MARCH IS THEMONTH TO FLY YOUR KITE, DEAL WITH AND HE WILL TREAT YOU JUST LISTED: 101 E.

Marshall 3 bedrm. stone with sunken living room, dining room, lg. kit. with bar din. area, fireplace, full 1 bath, carpeting, central air, all elec, carport, lg.

corner lot, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 501 WENDEMERE Beautiful 4 bedrm. brick, built-in dishwasher, din. fam. rm. with brick fireplace, new carpeting, sunken liv.

spacious closets, 2 Mi baths, corner lot, swimming pool, private fence, 2' carport, concrete blacktop dr. THIS HOME HAS EVERYTHING YOU'RE LOOKING FOR! JUST LISTED: 211 E. llth: 3 bedrm. alum, with Vh bath, all carpeting, lg. utility garage, dbl.

lot. PRICED RIGHT! JUST LISTED 618 Holiday Dr. New 3 bedrm. brick alum, under construction, bath, gas furnace, car- peting, garage, paved dr. sidewalks.

JUST LISTED: 306 310 E. 2nd 10 units of apartments with good income, close to town. WANTS TO SELL! CHECK THIS GOOD BUSINESS. JUST LISTED: On W. Tipton 100 ft.

of frontage for lease, zoned commercial. CHECK TODAY! JUST LISTED: On N. Elm New 3 bedrm. home under construction. See us today for colors carpeting of your choice! JUST LISTED: Polly-Horning New 3 or 4 bedrm.

split level stone all 2 baths, fam. garage. JUST LISTED: 820 Pershing 5 rm. asb. siding, carpeting in liv.

din. rro. Priced cheap. $5,500.00. DEER TRACE JKiX)': 109 beautiful rolling timber.

520 W. 6TH: GOOTxJVCATION! 3 part bS Yv. carpeted. JONES VILLE: 2 full bath, corner lot, rcOVal'age- front porch. 3 1709 S.

WALNUT: This home is immaculate! 2 story 4 bedrm. stucco, built-in din. built-in china closet, lg. liv spacious closets, bath, full 2' garage, private fence. IDEAL LOCATION! NEW FORD (Under const.) 3 bedrm.

brick, built-in liv. fam. comb, with brick fireplace, carpeted, IVt bath, dbl. garage, paved dr. CHECK THIS PRICE! 601 Nice 3 bedrm.

stone, all elec, l'-z baths, built-in dbl. garage, concrete corner lot. 408 N. POPLAR: 1 story, 3 bedrm. frame, liv.

din. carpeted, bath, close to town. PRICED RIGHT! WOODLAND LAKES: IDEAL COUNTRY LIVING! Beautiful 2 story brick, 3 lg. fam. 2 baths, lg.

sun porch, garage, carport, all elec. 320 S. VINE: MUST SELL! 5 rm. gas furnace, bath, close to school, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 111 BERKSHIRE: WILL CONSIDER CONTRACT! 3 bedrm. all elec, built-in att.

garage. 1025 N. O'BRIEN: IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 3 bedrm. split-level, IVi bath, lg. liv.

rm. din. area, garage. GREENDALE MOVE TO COUNTRY! 3 bedrm. all elec, brick, l'-i bath, carpeted, patio, garage, paved dr.

115 E. HARRISON New 3 bedrm. all elec. brick, 14 bath, dbl. garage, patio, corner lot.

800 BLOCK OF S. LYNN ST. One lot 60x130 on improved street. $3750 00. ACME AREA ON 258: One 4 rm.

asb. siding one 2 rm. asb. siding home on approx. 1 ACRE.

$5,500 00. BROWNSTOWN: 302 High 2 bedrm. frame, lg. part carport, corner lot. ROGER KILGAb REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEER Seymour 522-4300 FOR SALE by owner: 726 Noble Street.

4 or 5 bedrooms, 2 story frame. Outside cellar with utility building above, garage, large yard, storm windows and doors. $8,500. Immediate possession. 522-6279.

STADIUM DRIVE: New brick veneer, 3 bedroom, large living, family room, kitchen with built-ins, double garage, central air. Immediate possession. Henry Krumme, Realtor. Phone 522-4366 or 522-4367. NICHTER REAL ESTATE 820 INDIANAPOLIS 2 bedrm.

aluminum siding, carpeted throughout, central air, 2 car garage. I S. VINE 3 bedrm. stone frame. 411 INDIANAPOLIS 3 bedrm.

frame, full basem*nt. a aynilain 01 lulann fea m.A aluminum simng. central air, iuu basem*nt. 2 car garage. TWO BUSINESS opportunities in Seymour area.

ONE (1) LOT: East of Seymour, very nice. $5,500. 1(8 W. 7TH 2 story frame. 4 2 baths, basem*nt.

MS 8. VINE 2 kedrooH frame. Make offer. TWO HOMES under construction, choose decor. II E.

I4TH 6 rooms, one bath, frame, storms. $13,500. Phone 522-4531 or Salesman, Gene Antle, 522-7824 Mi VEHSLAGE ROAD: room brick venier, bedroom, living, kitchen with built-ins, family room with fireplace, IMi baths, garage, also 12x24 building, 1 large Iota. Homt la good condition. Central air.

Henry Krumme Realtor. PhOfM 522-436 Or 5214367. ANTENNA SERVICE PAUL JOHNSON Antenna Service Free estimates. 522-6495. BILL SCIARRA TV antenna service complete insurance coverage Answering service 24 hours.

Dial 522-5665. any time. AUTO AIR CONDITIONING MARK IV Auto Air, out cools 'em all. Install today. We install and service all makes and models.

Auto Radiator Shop, 3194 East Second Phone 522-1333. AUTO REPAIR HINTON'S CHEVRON Service Station. 2120 East Tipton Street. Phone 522-9020. AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS: Complete rebuilding, exchange and repair.

Greene's Transmission Ex change. 522-West Jackson, rear. 522-8639 anytime. BAN AUTO REPAIR: Remington tires "Service at its Best." Schedule: Monday thru Thursday. 6 00 to 9 00 Saturday.

8:00 a to 5:00 Phone 522-7804 JOHN THOMAS Harold Brooks Garage: General car and truck repair 710 North Ave 522-8254 APPLIANCE REPAIR IF IT IS electrical and doesn't run bring it to Heiwig's. 204 South Chestnut Phone 522-3669 NEW AND USED Sewing Machines and vacuum cleaners We repair all makes and models Work guaranteed 522-1346 Resco Sales and Service BICYCLE REPAIR ENGELKING'S shop O'Brien Bicycle Ihd Saw and Centennial Streets CARPENTRY A REMODELING SMALL JOBS: Plastering, interior exterior painting, carpentry work, remodeling, repair work, guttering installed, awnings railings installed, fences installed and repaired, cement work, sidewalks steps installed repaired, roofing install ed repaired. Special $25 00 discount on all exterior houses painted this year Will tear down buildings, light hauling Free estimates reasonable George Campbell. CARPET CLEANING CAPLINGER CLEANING Service: Office cleaning, waxing, buffing carpets and windows Call 522-7451. OWN AND ENJOY YOUR OWN PRODUCTION WORKERS APPLY IN PERSON LG1R SflGGlEfiTKJC.

"Total Electric' 2l SEYMOUR 522-8351 ACCENT Komi 9th And Cheif nut St. Cquol Opportunity Employer MODuar HOMES HY. 0 W. J. ASIAMAM JOMS, mC) mv.


The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.