The Fangs of Ashamane (2024)

The Fangs of Ashamane
StartDelandros Shimmermoon
EndRensar Greathoof
ClassThe Fangs of Ashamane (2)Druid
Rewards46 20
PreviousThe Fangs of Ashamane (5)The Fangs of Ashamane (6)[10-45]The Shrine in Peril
NextThe Fangs of Ashamane (7)The Fangs of Ashamane (8)[10-45]Sowing The Seed


  • 1 Objectives
  • 2 Description
  • 3 Rewards
  • 4 Progress
  • 5 Completion
  • 6 Notes
    • 6.1 Stage 1: On the Prowl
    • 6.2 Stage 2: Where There's a Withered There's a Way
    • 6.3 Stage 3: Onward, Upward, and Downward
    • 6.4 Stage 4: It's a Furball
    • 6.5 Stage 5: Into the Darkness
    • 6.6 Stage 6: In a Tangled Web
    • 6.7 Stage 7: The Fangs of Ashamane
    • 6.8 Final Stage: To the Grove
  • 7 Progression
    • 7.1 Patch 7.2.0 campaign
  • 8 Patch changes
  • 9 External links


Mount upon Ebonfang and search for the Fangs of Ashamane.

  • Ebonfang Mounted
  • The Fangs of Ashamane (9)[Shell of Clear Speech] (provided)


I have to admit, Verstok was right. The shrine was too easy of a target for the Burning Legion to attack. Still, he's gone and the Fangs are with him.

We're going to have to track him down for you to recover the Fangs. I should come with you but I have to stay with my people should we be attacked again.

Here, my companion Ebonfang has a sense of smell like no other. He will be able to guide you to wherever Verstok is hiding. Also take this shell, through it we can communicate.

May Elune guide you.


You will receive:

  • 46 20
  • 22,200 XP


How goes your search?


I've heard from Delandros about how you rescued the Ashen and protected the shrine.

We all owe you a great deal for your heroism, <name>. And it seems that you were able to recover the Fangs as well!

I suspect this war is far from over.


Quest accept
Delandros Shimmermoon sends out a sharp whistle to summon Ebonfang.

Stage 1: On the Prowl[]

You've come to the ruins of Falanaar in search of Verstok and the Fangs of Ashamane.
  • Followed Verstok's scent.
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: Can you hear me through this thing, <name>? You should be near Verstok's location by now.
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: My foolish protege was in such a rush to escape the Shrine, I'll wager he failed to mask his scent. Shift into cat form and you'll likely detect it.

Shift into The Fangs of Ashamane (12) [Cat Form] and follow the trail. Withered Creepers are also nearby.

Stage 2: Where There's a Withered There's a Way[]

Verstok's scent leads into the ruins, but the door is sealed shut. Find a way to open it.
  • Doorway Opened
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: Careful! The ruins are infested by withered, pitiful creatures with an unending hunger for the arcane. The power of the Fangs might have lured some to Verstok's trail.

Use The Fangs of Ashamane (13) [Prowl] to avoid getting into unnecessary fights, but be wary of any patrolling Nightfallen Constructs. Continue to follow Verstok's scent, which will lead you to a Ruined Switch.

Delandros Shimmermoonsays: Whatever you did seems to have annoyed those withered. This might work to your advantage. See if you can find another switch.

The second switch is located on the other side opposite of the first. Using the switch also summons Ravenous Withered.

Stage 3: Onward, Upward, and Downward[]

Follow Verstok's trail into the temple depths.
  • Follow Verstok's trail into the temple depths

Enter the Temple of Fal'adora.

Verstok Darkboughyells: I see you! You may look like a druid, but I can tell you're a demon in disguise. I won't fall for your trick! You'll never get the Fangs from me!
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: Has Verstok gone mad? Wielding the Fangs enhances one's senses, but I'm afraid it also heightened his paranoia.
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: You must get the Fangs away from Verstok, <name>. The longer they remain in his possession, the greater his delusion becomes.

Continue following the scent until you come across a platform. Use it to leap over the gate that is blocking the way.

Verstok Darkboughyells: Leave, demon! Begone! Why won't you just GO AWAY!?

Stage 4: It's a Furball[]

The power of the Fangs has driven Verstok insane. Subdue him.
  • Defeat Verstok
Verstok Darkboughyells: You won't leave? Very well, I'll end this chase myself!
Verstok appears out of the shadows, ready to fight.
Verstok Darkboughsays: The Fangs are mine! MINE!!
The druid adventurer fights Verstok. Upon nearing defeat, he stuns the adventurer using The Fangs of Ashamane (14) [Maim].
Verstok Darkboughyells: No! I'll never submit!
Verstok flees deeper into the temple.

Stage 5: Into the Darkness[]

Verstok has fled into a series of caves beneath the ruins, find him.
  • Chase after Verstok
Verstok Darkboughyells: Argh! What is this? Release me at once!
Webmistress Shinarissays: Look what fell into my web! Tonight I shall feast!
Delandros Shimmermoonsays: What on Azeroth was that!? Be careful, <name>!

Stage 6: In a Tangled Web[]

You've found Verstok caught in the web of a horrific creature. Slay it.
  • Webmistress Shinaris Slain
Webmistress Shinarissays: Stick around... it's meal time!
Webmistress Shinaris proceeds to wrap webbing around Verstok.
Webmistress Shinarissays: What's this? Another intruder approaches!

Interrupt her cast when she tries trap you in her webbing.

Stage 7: The Fangs of Ashamane[]

The Fangs of Ashamane are yours. Take them.
  • Retrieve the Fangs of Ashamane
Verstok Darkboughsays: Freedom! I thought I was going to be spider food!
Verstok Darkboughsays: I wanted to protect the Fangs, but was soon overwhelmed. You've proven yourself far more capable as their protector. Please, take them.

Final Stage: To the Grove[]

Ride upon Ebonfang to return to the Dreamgrove.
  • Ride upon Ebonfang


    1. The Fangs of Ashamane (16)The Fangs of Ashamane (17)[10-45]A Summons From Moonglade
    2. The Fangs of Ashamane (18)The Fangs of Ashamane (19)[10-45]Call of the Wilds
    3. The Fangs of Ashamane (20)The Fangs of Ashamane (21)[10-45]The Dreamway
    4. The Fangs of Ashamane (22)The Fangs of Ashamane (23)[10-45]To The Dreamgrove
    5. The Fangs of Ashamane (24)The Fangs of Ashamane (25)[10-45]Weapons of Legend
    6. Acquire the chosen artifact:
      • Balance (The Fangs of Ashamane (26)[Scythe of Elune])
        1. The Fangs of Ashamane (27)The Fangs of Ashamane (28)[10-45]The Scythe of Elune
        2. The Fangs of Ashamane (29)The Fangs of Ashamane (30)[10-45]Its Rightful Place
        3. The Fangs of Ashamane (31)The Fangs of Ashamane (32)[10-45]A Foe of the Dark
        4. The Fangs of Ashamane (33)The Fangs of Ashamane (34)[10-45]Following the Curse
        5. The Fangs of Ashamane (35)The Fangs of Ashamane (36)[10-45]Disturbing the Past
        6. The Fangs of Ashamane (37)The Fangs of Ashamane (38)[10-45]The Deadwind Hunt
        7. The Fangs of Ashamane (39)The Fangs of Ashamane (40)[10-45]The Dark Riders
        8. The Fangs of Ashamane (41)The Fangs of Ashamane (42)[10-45]The Burden Borne
      • Feral (Fangs of Ashamane: The Fangs of Ashamane (43)[Fangs of Ashamane] and The Fangs of Ashamane (44)[Fangs of Ashamane])
        1. The Fangs of Ashamane (45)The Fangs of Ashamane (46)[10-45]The Shrine of Ashamane
        2. The Fangs of Ashamane (47)The Fangs of Ashamane (48)[10-45]Aid for the Ashen & The Fangs of Ashamane (49)The Fangs of Ashamane (50)[10-45]Seeds of Renewal
        3. The Fangs of Ashamane (51)The Fangs of Ashamane (52)[10-45]The Shrine in Peril
        4. The Fangs of Ashamane (53)The Fangs of Ashamane (54)[10-45]The Fangs of Ashamane
      • Guardian (Claws of Ursoc: The Fangs of Ashamane (55)[Claws of Ursoc] and The Fangs of Ashamane (56)[Claws of Ursoc])
        1. The Fangs of Ashamane (57)The Fangs of Ashamane (58)[10-45]Mistress of the Claw
        2. The Fangs of Ashamane (59)The Fangs of Ashamane (60)[10-45]To The Hills
        3. The Fangs of Ashamane (61)The Fangs of Ashamane (62)[10-45]The First Trial of Ursol
        4. The Fangs of Ashamane (63)The Fangs of Ashamane (64)[10-45]The Second Trial of Ursol
        5. The Fangs of Ashamane (65)The Fangs of Ashamane (66)[10-45]The Third Trial of Ursol
        6. The Fangs of Ashamane (67)The Fangs of Ashamane (68)[10-45]When Dreams Become Nightmares
        7. The Fangs of Ashamane (69)The Fangs of Ashamane (70)[10-45]The Dreamer Returns
      • Restoration (The Fangs of Ashamane (71)[G'Hanir, the Mother Tree])
        1. The Fangs of Ashamane (72)The Fangs of Ashamane (73)[10-45]Meet with Mylune
        2. The Fangs of Ashamane (74)The Fangs of Ashamane (75)[10-45]Necessary Preparations
        3. The Fangs of Ashamane (76)The Fangs of Ashamane (77)[10-45]Join the Dreamer
        4. The Fangs of Ashamane (78)The Fangs of Ashamane (79)[10-45]In Deep Slumber
        5. The Fangs of Ashamane (80)The Fangs of Ashamane (81)[10-45]Reconvene
        6. The Fangs of Ashamane (82)The Fangs of Ashamane (83)[10-45]Cleansing the Mother Tree
    7. The Fangs of Ashamane (84)The Fangs of Ashamane (85)[10-45]Sowing The Seed
    8. The Fangs of Ashamane (86)The Fangs of Ashamane (87)[10-45]Ascending The Circle
    9. The Fangs of Ashamane (88)The Fangs of Ashamane (89)[10-45]Word on the Winds
    10. The Fangs of Ashamane (90)The Fangs of Ashamane (91)[10-45]Making Trails
    11. The Fangs of Ashamane (92)The Fangs of Ashamane (93)[10-45]Growing Power (optional)
    12. Complete all of:
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (94)The Fangs of Ashamane (95)[10-45]Rise, Champions
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (96)The Fangs of Ashamane (97)[10-45]Champion: Naralex
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (98)The Fangs of Ashamane (99)[10-45]Champion: Zen'tabra
    13. The Fangs of Ashamane (100)The Fangs of Ashamane (101)[10-45]Sister Lilith
    14. The Fangs of Ashamane (102)The Fangs of Ashamane (103)[10-45]Recruiting the Troops
    15. The Fangs of Ashamane (104)The Fangs of Ashamane (105)[10-45]A Glade Defense
    16. The Fangs of Ashamane (106)The Fangs of Ashamane (107)[10-45]Branching Out
    17. The Fangs of Ashamane (108)The Fangs of Ashamane (109)[10-45]Sampling the Nightmare
    18. The Fangs of Ashamane (110)The Fangs of Ashamane (111)[10-45]Dire Growth
    19. The Fangs of Ashamane (112)The Fangs of Ashamane (113)[10-45]Malorne's Refuge
    20. The Fangs of Ashamane (114)The Fangs of Ashamane (115)[10-45]Grip of Nightmare
    21. The Fangs of Ashamane (116)The Fangs of Ashamane (117)[10-45]Tracking the Enemy
    22. The Fangs of Ashamane (118)The Fangs of Ashamane (119)[10-45]Idol of the Wilds
    23. The Fangs of Ashamane (120)The Fangs of Ashamane (121)[10-45]Gathering the Dreamweavers
    24. The Fangs of Ashamane (122)The Fangs of Ashamane (123)[10-45]The Protectors
      • Optional
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (124)The Fangs of Ashamane (125)[10-45D]Halls of Valor: Essence of Ferocity
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (126)The Fangs of Ashamane (127)[10-45D]Eye of Azshara: Essence of Balance
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (128)The Fangs of Ashamane (129)[10-45D]Neltharion's Lair: Essence of Tenacity
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (130)The Fangs of Ashamane (131)[10-45D]Darkheart Thicket: Essence of Regrowth
    25. Optional
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (132)The Fangs of Ashamane (133)[10-45]Druids of the Claw
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (134)The Fangs of Ashamane (135)[10-45]Champion: Broll Bearmantle
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (136)The Fangs of Ashamane (137)[10-45]Champion: Sylendra Gladesong
  • Level 45
    1. The Fangs of Ashamane (138)The Fangs of Ashamane (139)[45]The Way to Nordrassil
    2. Complete all of:
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (140)The Fangs of Ashamane (141)[45]Enduring the Nightmare
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (142)The Fangs of Ashamane (143)[45]Cleaning Up
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (144)The Fangs of Ashamane (145)[45]Teensy Weensies!
    3. The Fangs of Ashamane (146)The Fangs of Ashamane (147)[45]A Dying Dream
    4. The Fangs of Ashamane (148)The Fangs of Ashamane (149)[45]Communing With Malorne
    5. The Fangs of Ashamane (150)The Fangs of Ashamane (151)[45]A New Beginning
      • Side quests:
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (152)The Fangs of Ashamane (153)[45]The Cycle Continues
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (154)The Fangs of Ashamane (155)[45D]Eye of Azshara: Cleansing the Dreamway
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (156)The Fangs of Ashamane (157)[45]The Pendant of Starlight
          • The Fangs of Ashamane (158)The Fangs of Ashamane (159)[45]Champion: Brightwing
    6. Complete both:
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (160)The Fangs of Ashamane (161)[45]Champion: Mylune
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (162)The Fangs of Ashamane (163)[45]Champion: Hamuul Runetotem
    7. Complete all of:
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (164)The Fangs of Ashamane (165)[45]Powering the Portal
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (166)The Fangs of Ashamane (167)[45]Defending the Isles
      • The Fangs of Ashamane (168)The Fangs of Ashamane (169)[45]Focusing the Energies
    8. The Fangs of Ashamane (170)The Fangs of Ashamane (171)[45]Enter Nightmare
    9. The Fangs of Ashamane (172)The Fangs of Ashamane (173)[45]Defenders of the Dream
    10. The Fangs of Ashamane (174)The Fangs of Ashamane (175)[45]The War of the Ancients
    11. The Fangs of Ashamane (176)The Fangs of Ashamane (177)[45]Archimonde, The Defiler
    12. The Fangs of Ashamane (178)The Fangs of Ashamane (179)[45]The Demi-God's Return
    13. The Fangs of Ashamane (180)The Fangs of Ashamane (181)[45]A Hero's Weapon
      • Side quests:
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (182)The Fangs of Ashamane (183)[45]Champion: Remulos
        • The Fangs of Ashamane (184)The Fangs of Ashamane (185)[45R]The Emerald Nightmare: The Emerald Nightmare

    Patch 7.2.0 campaign[]

    1. The Fangs of Ashamane (186)[45]Champions of Legionfall
      1. The Fangs of Ashamane (187)The Fangs of Ashamane (188)[45]Talon Terror
      2. The Fangs of Ashamane (189)The Fangs of Ashamane (190)[45]Attack on the Roost & The Fangs of Ashamane (191)The Fangs of Ashamane (192)[45]Mother's Orders
      3. The Fangs of Ashamane (193)The Fangs of Ashamane (194)[45]Aviana's Grace
      4. The Fangs of Ashamane (195)The Fangs of Ashamane (196)[45]Lone Wolf
      5. The Fangs of Ashamane (197)The Fangs of Ashamane (198)[45]The Befouled Barrows & The Fangs of Ashamane (199)The Fangs of Ashamane (200)[45]Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
      6. The Fangs of Ashamane (201)The Fangs of Ashamane (202)[45]The Wolf's Tale
      7. The Fangs of Ashamane (203)The Fangs of Ashamane (204)[45]Nature's Advance
      8. The Fangs of Ashamane (205)The Fangs of Ashamane (206)[45]The Preservation of Nature
      9. The Fangs of Ashamane (207)The Fangs of Ashamane (208)[45]Nature's Touch & The Fangs of Ashamane (209)The Fangs of Ashamane (210)[45]To Track a Demon
      10. The Fangs of Ashamane (211)The Fangs of Ashamane (212)[45]Prick of a Thistle
      11. The Fangs of Ashamane (213)The Fangs of Ashamane (214)[45]Grovebound
      12. The Fangs of Ashamane (215)The Fangs of Ashamane (216)[45]Champion: Thisalee Crow
    2. The Fangs of Ashamane (217)The Fangs of Ashamane (218)[45]Further Advancement
    3. Class mount
    4. The Fangs of Ashamane (219)The Fangs of Ashamane (220)[45]Talon's Call
    5. The Fangs of Ashamane (221)The Fangs of Ashamane (222)[45]Defense of Aviana
    6. The Fangs of Ashamane (223)The Fangs of Ashamane (224)[45]You Can't Take the Sky from Me

Patch changes[]

  • Patch 7.0.3 (2016-07-19): Added.

External links[]

The Fangs of Ashamane (2024)


How to get fangs of ashamane black? ›

When he runs off you, make your way through the broken wall, cross the room with a crystal and get to the tunnels (Shattered Locus area). There you'll find out Webmistress Shinaris which webbed Verstok. Kill it and Verstok will change his mind and give Fangs of Ashamane to you.

How to get Ghost of the Pride mother? ›

Ghost of the Pridemother: Unlocked through the Mage Tower Artifact Challenge, An Impossible Foe. Note: The basic tint of the challenge appearance is unobtainable as of Battle for Azeroth prepatch. The other tints can still be unlocked if you finished the Mage Tower Artifact Challenge during Legion.

How do you get fangs of the devourer? ›

After the cut-scene, approach and defeat Akaari Shadowgore. - - Once she is defeated, she will drop her weapons on the ground. Click the Fangs of the Devourer to claim your artifact weapon.

What boss drops runic fangs? ›

Runic Fang comes from the Ruin Serpent normal boss in the Chasm.

What is the fastest Legion dungeon for artifact appearance? ›

Maw of Souls would be your best bet. A 120 rouge you can skip most of the trash and just go from boss to boss to boss. Maw is not bad, to clear the entire dungeon it only takes 3.5 minutes on normal and counts for my hidden weapon.

How to get druid of the flame cat form? ›

Players are able to obtain this cat form by either equipping the Fandral's Flamescythe staff or obtaining the Fandral's Seed Pouch from the Firelands raid in Cataclysm.

Is the Mage Tower still available? ›

Shadowlands: The Mage Tower Returns Permanently

The Mage Tower will now be always available, bringing back epic solo challenges and awesome rewards for those who conquer them.

How do you get Royal Fang? ›

It can be obtained in a few ways:
  1. Bought at the Tree of Life for 70.
  2. A 0.25% Drop from the Spider Queen.
  3. A 5% chance (1/20) to drop from a Spider Queen Chest in both Easy mode and Normal mode.

How do you get Dreadwing metal fangs? ›

Sale Value. Dreadwing Metal Fang is a very rare resource in Horizon Forbidden West. Obtained only from Dreadwings, it must be torn off with Tear damage before the machine is destroyed. Alternatively, it can be purchased once from Untalla in the Memorial Grove.

How do you get filet of fangs? ›

Looted from Draconic Recipe in a Bottle in open water near the fishing trainer Toklo in Valdrakken at around fishing level 25 with Underlight Angler and Nat's Drinking Hat.

How to get red moonkin form? ›

You'll need Feather of the Smoke Red Moon to obtain the form of Red Feathers Moonkin. Hunt down Tindral Sageswift in any raid difficulty for a shot at grabbing this item. Once you've acquired it, activating the feather unlocks all the fiery Moonkin colors and effects for customization.

Are druid appearances account wide? ›

When you set a form's appearance at the Barber, it will be the active appearance for that form, no matter your current spec (for example, a Restoration Druid can have an artifact appearance active on their Cat and Bear forms). Artifact appearances, including completed Mage Tower challenge appearances, are account-wide.

How do you get runic fangs? ›

To obtain the Runic Fang item, you need to defeat the Ruin Serpent Boss located in The Chasm: Underground Mines!

How do you remove Dreadwing fangs? ›

The TeraBlast Arrows are excellent for removing those fangs. Let it get off a radar scan, then run in a shoot 'em off. Farming these larger machines for weapon upgrades is tedious work. It takes a lot of time and numerous kills.

What is the black Pokemon with fangs? ›

Golbat bites down on prey with its four fangs and drinks the victim's blood. It becomes active on inky dark moonless nights, flying around to attack people and Pokémon. Its thick fangs are hollow like straws, making them unexpectedly fragile.

How do you get inferno fangs? ›

The Inferno Fang is an item that teaches Quistis the Fire Breath Blue Magic spell. It can drop from Hexadragon (level 20+) or Ruby Dragon (any level), be mugged from Ruby Dragon, and refined from x10 Ruby Dragon cards (Card Mod).


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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 6423

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Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.