Daftar Puskesmas di Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara (2024)

Daftar Alamat dan Nomor Telepon Puskesmas (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat PKM) di Kota Medan Propinsi Sumut

Daftar Puskesmas di Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara (1)

No. Puskesmas Puskesmas Alamat: Alamat: Jenis (type): Jenis Puskesmas

1. Puskesmas Tuntungan. Alamat: Jl. Bunga Melati, Kec. Medan Tuntungan. Jenis (type): Perawatan

2. Puskesmas Simalingkar. Alamat: Jl. Bawang Raya 37, Kec. Medan Tuntungan. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

3. Puskesmas Kedai Durian. Alamat: Jl. Brigjen Zein Hamid Km 8,2 Gg.Sari, Kec. Medan Johor. Jenis (type): Perawatan

4. Puskesmas Medan Johor. Alamat: Jl. Karya Jasa 5, Kec. Medan Johor. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

5. Puskesmas Amplas. Alamat: Jl. Garu II B, Kec. Medan Amplas. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

6. Puskesmas Bromo. Alamat: Jl. Rotary, Kec. Medan Denai. Jenis (type): Perawatan

7. Puskesmas Tegal Sari. Alamat: Jl. Srikandi 4, Kec. Medan Denai. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

8. Puskesmas Desa Binjai. Alamat: Jl. HM Nawi Harapan Blk II/2, Kec. Medan Denai. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

9. Puskesmas Medan Denai. Alamat: Jl. Jermal XV, Kec. Medan Denai. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

10. Puskesmas Medan Area Selatan. Alamat: Jl. Medan Aera Selatan, Kec. Medan Area. Jenis (type): Perawatan

11. Puskesmas Sukaramai. Alamat: Jl. AR Hakim Gg Kantil 8, Kec. Medan Area. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

12. Puskesmas Kota Matsum. Alamat: Jl. Amaliun No. 75, Kec. Medan Area. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

13. Puskesmas Teladan. Alamat: Jl. SM Raja, Kec. Medan Kota. Jenis (type): Perawatan

14. Puskesmas Pasar Merah. Alamat: Jl. HM Joni 104, Kec. Medan Kota. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

15. Puskesmas Simpang Limun. Alamat: Jl. Kemiri I/33, Kec. Medan Kota. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

16. Puskesmas Kampung Baru. Alamat: Jl. Pasar Senen Kp. Baru, Kec. Medan Maimun. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

17. Puskesmas Polonia. Alamat: Jl. Polonia Gg A, Kec. Medan Polonia. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

18. Puskesmas Padang Bulan. Alamat: Jl. Jamin Ginting, Kec. Medan Baru. Jenis (type): Perawatan

19. Puskesmas Padang Bulan Selayang Ii. Alamat: Jl. Bunga Wijaya Kesuma 99, Kec. Medan Selayang. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

20. Puskesmas Medan Sunggal. Alamat: Jl. Pinang Baris, Kec. Medan Sunggal. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

21. Puskesmas Desa Lalang. Alamat: Jl. Binjai Km 7, Kec. Medan Sunggal. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

22. Puskesmas Helvetia. Alamat: Jl. Kemuning, Kec. Medan Helvetia. Jenis (type): Perawatan

23. Puskesmas Bestari. Alamat: Jl. Rotan, Kec. Medan Petisah. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

24. Puskesmas Darussalam. Alamat: Jl. Darusalam 40, Kec. Medan Petisah. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

25. Puskesmas Rantang. Alamat: Jl. Rantang 37, Kec. Medan Petisah. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

26. Puskesmas Glugur Kota. Alamat: Jl. KL Yos Sudarso 7, Kec. Medan Barat. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

27. Puskesmas Pulo Brayan. Alamat: Jl. Yos Sudarso 136, Kec. Medan Barat. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

28. Puskesmas Sei Agul. Alamat: Jl. Karya 11/54, Kec. Medan Barat. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

29. Puskesmas Glugur Darat. Alamat: Jl. Pendidikan 8, Kec. Medan Timur. Jenis (type): Perawatan

30. Puskesmas Sentosa Baru. Alamat: Jl. Sentosa Baru 22, Kec. Medan Perjuangan. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

31. Puskesmas Sering. Alamat: Jl.Sering 20, Kec. Medan Tembung. Jenis (type): Perawatan

32. Puskesmas Mandala. Alamat: Jl. Cucak Rawa, Kec. Medan Tembung. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

33. Puskesmas Medan Deli. Alamat: Jl. KL Yos Sudarso Km 11,1, Kec. Medan Deli. Jenis (type): Perawatan

34. Puskesmas Titi Papan. Alamat: Jl. Platina IV/10, Kec. Medan Deli. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

35. Puskesmas Pekan Labuhan. Alamat: Jl. KL Yos Sudarso Km 18,5, Kec. Medan Labuhan. Jenis (type): Perawatan

36. Puskesmas Medan Labuhan. Alamat: Jl. Hamparan Perak LK VII, Kec. Medan Labuhan. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

37. Puskesmas Martubung. Alamat: Jl. Tempiral Lestari Blok V, Kec. Medan Labuhan. Jenis (type): Non Perawatan

38. Puskesmas Desa Terjun. Alamat: Jl. Kapt. Rahmabuddin, Kec. Medan Marelan. Jenis (type): Perawatan

39. Puskesmas Belawan. Alamat: Jl. Kampar 17, Kec. Medan Kota Belawan. Jenis (type): Perawatan

Berobat di PKM (Puskesmas) bagi sebagian orang lebih praktis dan lebih nyaman. Ini karena dengan mengunjungi Puskesmas ada kelebihan dan kekurangan, serta ada keunggulan dan kelemahan.

Kekurangan dan kelemahan berobat di PKM adalah kita harus meluangkan banyak waktu, karena harus mengantri dan menunggu perawatan. Kelemahan lain adalah kita harus bercampur dengan orang lain yang juga sakit.

Kelebihan berobat di Puskesmas adalah lokasinya yang dekat dengan pemukiman penduduk baik di desa, kampung, dusun, dan kota. Juga banyak berada dekat pasar, dan dekat keramaian.

Keunggulan berobat di PKM adalah karena tempatnya yang luas, ada fasilitas rawat inap, banyak dokter spesialis, banyak dokter gigi, banyak poliklinik, pelayanan KB Keluarga Berencana, ada fasilitas UGD (Unit Gawat Darurat) atau IGD (Instalasi Gawat Darurat), banyak perawat dan parkir yang luas.

Melalui konsultasi dengan para dokter tadi, kita bisa menemukan cara mudah untuk mengobati dan menyembuhkan penyakit batuk, sariawan, sakit perut, eritema infektiosum (parvovirus b19), kolera,

kurap, demam campak, impetigo, demam kelenjar, pasang kawat gigi, influenza, cacingan, tuberkulosis (TBC), cacar air (varicella), kanker paru-paru, leukemia, konjungtivitis, rabies, lepra, campak,

tetanus, kanker serviks, batuk rejan (pertusis), kanker pankreas, hepatitis c, skarlatina, kanker payudara, demam berdarah, kanker prostat, sakit gigi, rubeola, radang lambung dan usus,

cabut gigi, beri-beri, malaria, kudis, diare, beguk, rubella, hepatitis a, disentri amuba, flu burung, hepatitis b, anthrax, penyakit meningokokus, penyakit tangan, kaki dan mulut, kutu, chikungunya, dan penyakit lainnya.

Kita juga dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas jika PKM bekerja sama resmi dengan BPJS, jadi kita tidak perlu membayar lagi alias gratis untuk mengobati dan menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Serta bisa meminta obat paten maupun generik.

Dengan alamat dan nomor telpon yang kami sediakan di atas, kita dapat menanyakan tentang berapa biaya perawatan, jadwal buka jam berapa dan tutup jam berapa, jadwal dokter, biaya operasi, tarif rawat inap dan biaya lainnya. Serta menanyakan nama pegawai (PNS atau ASN) dan NIP baik bidan, perawat dan staf loket pendaftaran.

Demikianlah informasinya, semoga bermanfaat.

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As an AI language model, I have access to a wide range of information and can provide insights on various topics. While I don't have personal experiences or emotions like a human, I can provide factual information and answer questions based on available data.

Now, let's discuss the concepts mentioned in the article you provided.

Puskesmas (Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat)

Puskesmas, also known as Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat, is a type of primary healthcare center in Indonesia. These centers provide basic healthcare services to the local community, including medical consultations, vaccinations, maternal and child health services, family planning, and health education.

Alamat (Address) and Nomor Telepon (Phone Number)

The article lists the addresses and phone numbers of several Puskesmas in Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara Province, Indonesia. These details are provided to help individuals locate and contact the respective Puskesmas for healthcare services.

Jenis (Type)

The article also mentions the "jenis" or type of each Puskesmas. The types mentioned include "Perawatan" (treatment) and "Non Perawatan" (non-treatment). This classification may indicate the range of services offered at each Puskesmas.

Kelebihan (Advantages) and Kelemahan (Disadvantages) of Berobat di PKM (Seeking Treatment at Puskesmas)

The article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of seeking treatment at Puskesmas.

Kelebihan (Advantages):

  • Proximity: Puskesmas are located close to residential areas, villages, and towns, making them easily accessible to the local population.
  • Facilities: Puskesmas often have spacious facilities, inpatient services, specialized doctors, dental services, various clinics, family planning services, emergency units, nursing staff, and ample parking space.
  • Collaboration with BPJS: Some Puskesmas have official collaborations with BPJS (Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Sosial), a national health insurance program in Indonesia. This collaboration allows individuals to receive free or subsidized treatment for various diseases.

Kelemahan (Disadvantages):

  • Waiting Time: One disadvantage of seeking treatment at Puskesmas is the need to spend time waiting in queues for treatment. This can be time-consuming.
  • Crowded Environment: Another disadvantage is that patients may have to interact with other individuals who are also seeking treatment, potentially increasing the risk of exposure to contagious diseases.

Mengobati dan Menyembuhkan Penyakit (Treating and Curing Diseases)

The article mentions various diseases and conditions that can be treated and cured at Puskesmas. Some of the mentioned diseases include cough, mouth ulcers, stomach pain, infectious erythema (parvovirus B19), cholera, ringworm, measles, impetigo, glandular fever, dental braces, influenza, worm infestation, tuberculosis (TB), chickenpox (varicella), lung cancer, leukemia, conjunctivitis, rabies, leprosy, tetanus, cervical cancer, whooping cough (pertussis), pancreatic cancer, hepatitis C, scarlet fever, breast cancer, dengue fever, prostate cancer, toothache, rubella, gastric and intestinal inflammation, tooth extraction, beriberi, malaria, scabies, diarrhea, hiccups, rubella, hepatitis A, amoebic dysentery, bird flu, hepatitis B, anthrax, meningococcal disease, hand, foot, and mouth disease, lice, chikungunya, and other diseases.

Fasilitas (Facilities) and BPJS

The article mentions that some Puskesmas have facilities such as inpatient services and collaborations with BPJS. BPJS is a national health insurance program in Indonesia that provides coverage for medical treatments and medications. Individuals who are registered with BPJS can receive free or subsidized treatment at Puskesmas.

Pertanyaan (Questions)

The article suggests that individuals can contact the Puskesmas using the provided addresses and phone numbers to inquire about treatment costs, opening and closing hours, doctor schedules, operation fees, inpatient rates, and other related information. They can also ask for the names and employee numbers (NIP) of the staff members, including midwives, nurses, and registration desk personnel.

Please note that the information provided above is based on the content you shared. It's always a good idea to verify the information with official sources or directly contact the Puskesmas for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Daftar Puskesmas di Kota Medan Provinsi Sumatera Utara (2024)


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.